A Two-Book Deal, an Agent Request and a Contest Winner Fill the News

The June 23 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop was full of momentous news from several people.

Leading the pack, Rosemary Clement-Moore announced she's signed a two-book deal with her publisher, Random House. Jason Myers received a partial request for his manuscript, Mayhem Inc., from literary agent Robert Thixton. Merris Doud won second place in the Brazos Writers' Writing Contest in the category of memoir / personal essay. Writer's Digest has contracted with Kyle White to write a feature-length article on the use of social networking to land an agent or secure a book deal.

Finally, members were reminded of the vote to be held on Wednesday, July 7 to amend the Workshop's Bylaws. Also, Larry Enmon encouraged new members to pick up a copy of a pamphlet titled 20 Hints for Workshop Critiques for an upcoming class on the subject.

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