Writer's Digest Features...Us
As most of you know, DFW Writers’ Workshop has been trucking along since 1977. Since then, our membership has steadily increased, along with our list of traditionally published authors. Our conference has become a stalwart, sought-after cog in the Texas literary scene, and our outreach now includes a teen workshop and a commitment to provide annual literary-esque donations (both material and service) to those in need.
We’ve been busy, both growing and writing.
So, what’s our future look like? Bright. Very bright. Don’t stare directly at it. But, you can safely check us out in a recent Writer’s Digest’s feature. Consider it a solar filter or a pinhole projector. It’s a peek at what makes DFWWW so amazing. And if you haven’t got the time to read the whole article, passing by any mirror will also do the trick.
Without further ado, here is - THE - DFW Writers’ Workshop feature in Writer’s Digest: What Makes Writing Groups Work.
A huge thanks to all of our extraordinary members, past and present, for making us a thing.
We’ve been busy, both growing and writing.
So, what’s our future look like? Bright. Very bright. Don’t stare directly at it. But, you can safely check us out in a recent Writer’s Digest’s feature. Consider it a solar filter or a pinhole projector. It’s a peek at what makes DFWWW so amazing. And if you haven’t got the time to read the whole article, passing by any mirror will also do the trick.
Without further ado, here is - THE - DFW Writers’ Workshop feature in Writer’s Digest: What Makes Writing Groups Work.
A huge thanks to all of our extraordinary members, past and present, for making us a thing.
Writer's Digest Popular Fiction Contest

If you write fiction and need a break from the ol' manuscript -- consider writing a short story to enter into the Writer's Digest Popular Fiction Awards. Categories include science fiction, thriller, YA, romance, crime, and horror.
Entry deadline has recently been extended to Oct. 31, 2012. Plenty of time for you to compose a story (4,000 words or less), bring it in for a read and critique, and send it off.
Click here for more details on the Writer's Digest Popular Fiction Contest
Good luck!
Announcements 9/14
Shawn Scarber‘s short story Skin Trade will be appearing in the new anthology Short and Twisted: Nothing is What is Seems. Its and e-book and will soon be available on www.Amazon.com Stay tuned for release information as it becomes available.
Harry Hall has a book signing Saturday Sept 17th in Irving at Crystals Pizza from 3:30 to 5:30. He will be signing copies of his book Help! People are Staring at Me.
Kyle White announced Trinity Writers' Workshop is having a one-day seminar, featuring Chuck Sambuchino (editor with Writers Digest.) It will be held on Saturday, Nov 5th from 9am to 6:30pm at the Hampton Inn in Hurst. The cost is $100 ($50 for members of TWW). Check here for more details.
Dues are due on October 1st. Don't forget! Remember, no reading, critiquing, or monitoring if you haven't paid up.
By the by, you can register for DFWCon. Keynote speaker is James Rollins. The conference will be held May 19 & 20 of 2012.
Harry Hall has a book signing Saturday Sept 17th in Irving at Crystals Pizza from 3:30 to 5:30. He will be signing copies of his book Help! People are Staring at Me.
Kyle White announced Trinity Writers' Workshop is having a one-day seminar, featuring Chuck Sambuchino (editor with Writers Digest.) It will be held on Saturday, Nov 5th from 9am to 6:30pm at the Hampton Inn in Hurst. The cost is $100 ($50 for members of TWW). Check here for more details.
Dues are due on October 1st. Don't forget! Remember, no reading, critiquing, or monitoring if you haven't paid up.
By the by, you can register for DFWCon. Keynote speaker is James Rollins. The conference will be held May 19 & 20 of 2012.
A Two-Book Deal, an Agent Request and a Contest Winner Fill the News
The June 23 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop was full of momentous news from several people.
Leading the pack, Rosemary Clement-Moore announced she's signed a two-book deal with her publisher, Random House. Jason Myers received a partial request for his manuscript, Mayhem Inc., from literary agent Robert Thixton. Merris Doud won second place in the Brazos Writers' Writing Contest in the category of memoir / personal essay. Writer's Digest has contracted with Kyle White to write a feature-length article on the use of social networking to land an agent or secure a book deal.
Finally, members were reminded of the vote to be held on Wednesday, July 7 to amend the Workshop's Bylaws. Also, Larry Enmon encouraged new members to pick up a copy of a pamphlet titled 20 Hints for Workshop Critiques for an upcoming class on the subject.
Leading the pack, Rosemary Clement-Moore announced she's signed a two-book deal with her publisher, Random House. Jason Myers received a partial request for his manuscript, Mayhem Inc., from literary agent Robert Thixton. Merris Doud won second place in the Brazos Writers' Writing Contest in the category of memoir / personal essay. Writer's Digest has contracted with Kyle White to write a feature-length article on the use of social networking to land an agent or secure a book deal.
Finally, members were reminded of the vote to be held on Wednesday, July 7 to amend the Workshop's Bylaws. Also, Larry Enmon encouraged new members to pick up a copy of a pamphlet titled 20 Hints for Workshop Critiques for an upcoming class on the subject.