A Busy News Night Full of Contest Finalists, Westerns & Dead Robots

A summer downpour did little to thin the ranks at the June 30 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop, as six visitors and two new members joined the already sizeable crowd.

In a busy news night, A. Lee Martinez was interviewed by The Dead Robot Society Podcast about his series of fantasy novels. Richard Young's book-length manuscript, American Health Scare, is a top 20 finalist in a contest sponsored by The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference. Harry Hall's short non-fiction narrative, "Michael Hylands Marathon Victory over Cystic Fibrosis" is also a finalist in the same contest, but in a different category. Books in Motion purchased George Goldwaithe's newest novel, Bugles and Bagpipes. Also, George attended the Western Writers' of America Convention where three different agents requested manuscript submissions. Rosemary Clement-Moore stated that the hardcover edition of her newest book, The Splendor Falls, has gone into its second printing. Additionally, Rosemary will speak on Thursday, July 8 at 2 p.m. at the Haslet Public Library.

Finally, Russell Conner reminded members that next week, Wednesday, July 7, is the final vote on the proposed amendments to the Workshop Bylaws.  

A Two-Book Deal, an Agent Request and a Contest Winner Fill the News

The June 23 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop was full of momentous news from several people.

Leading the pack, Rosemary Clement-Moore announced she's signed a two-book deal with her publisher, Random House. Jason Myers received a partial request for his manuscript, Mayhem Inc., from literary agent Robert Thixton. Merris Doud won second place in the Brazos Writers' Writing Contest in the category of memoir / personal essay. Writer's Digest has contracted with Kyle White to write a feature-length article on the use of social networking to land an agent or secure a book deal.

Finally, members were reminded of the vote to be held on Wednesday, July 7 to amend the Workshop's Bylaws. Also, Larry Enmon encouraged new members to pick up a copy of a pamphlet titled 20 Hints for Workshop Critiques for an upcoming class on the subject.

DFWWW Goes International with Foreign Book Rights & a Conference Attendee from Across the Pond

The escalating summer temperatures haven't dented the attendance at the DFW Writers' Workshop, as demonstrated by the healthy crowd at the June 16th meeting.

In official news, Russell Connor reminded members of the proposed amendments to the By-laws, with the vote to be held during the July business meeting. The proposals are posted on the bulletin board for all to review.  

In other news, literary agent Sara Megibow requested a partial of Carolyn William's manuscript, Love on the Run. Rosemary Clement-Moore sold the Portuguese rights to her Maggie Quinn: Girl vs. Evil series of Young Adult novels. Additionally, Rosemary will speak this Saturday, June 19, during a meeting of the North Texas chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators in Arlington.

Finally, Stephen Manning announced that the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference has gone international with the registration of an attendee from the country of England. Everyone is excited by how the conference's reputation has grown in only three years of existence.

Neither Rain nor Scary Lightning will Stop Workshop Members from Meeting

Despite ominous skies and the threat of a thunderstorm, the June 2 business meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop saw a standing-room only crowd.

In official business, Jeri Burbage reported that both the Workshop and the Conference bank accounts are in the black. Russell Connor and Kyle White introduced two proposed amendments to the By-laws. One would change the start of the fiscal year from January to October, and the other would protect member's personal information. These proposals will be posted for 30-days, and then voted on at the July business meeting.

In other news, Julian Harber donated a copy of his novel A Nail in the Body of Christ. Joyce Holland of the D4EO Literary Agency requested Jason Myers' full manuscript. Pat Hauldren was a guest blogger at SavvyAuthors.com.

DFW Writers' Workshop Members Produce 299 Traditionally Published Books

With President Russell Connor on vacation, the May 26th meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop was a little disorganized, but the Board pulled together to conduct business. This included welcoming five new members to the growing list of weekly attendees.

In the news, A. Lee Martinez displayed the German-language edition of his book Too Many Curses. Kenneth Ingle presented the audio version of his novel First Contact. John Keith announced that Jessie Cammack with the JABberwocky Literary Agency requested the full manuscript of his work 74 Degrees. Stephen Manning advised the tally of traditionally published novels by Workshop members now rests at 299.   

Finally, Jeri Burbage was seated as Treasurer to fill the spot vacated by Fred Campos. Don't worry, Fred's not leaving the Workshop, he just has other obligations that make stepping down from the Board the right decision for him.

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