Upcoming editor event is for Workshop members only

You may have seen an announcement, here or in an email distribution list, regarding an upcoming editor visit at the Workshop. Contrary to what was posted, this is a private event only for Workshop members. Pitch sessions are available only to members who joined by Aug. 18.

Membership will be checked at the door. Non-members will unfortunately have to be turned away.

The Workshop does host an annual writer's conference open to the public featuring agents and editors from around the country. The 2011 conference is in February. For more information, please visit www.dfwwritersconference.org. The Workshop also strives to provide exclusive benefits to its members to say thank you for their support. This single-editor visit is one of those benefits. If this event is successful, more like it are planned in the future, and all writers are welcome to join the Workshop and attend those events.

We apologize for the erroneous communication and any disappointment it causes.

Agent Representation, a Book Signing & the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference Fill the News

The temperature continues to rise, but that didn't stop the dedicated members of the DFW Writers' Workshop from attending the August 4th business meeting.

In the news, A. Lee Martinez donated a copy of the anthology Death's Excellent Vacation in which he has a short story. He also has a book signing this Saturday, August 7th, at 3 p.m. at the Barnes & Noble in Denton. Jason Myers recei­ved a par­tial request for his novel Mayhem Inc. from agent Anthony Mattero. Kristen Lamb announced she signed with Gina Panettieri of the Talcott Notch Literary Services. Also, Kristen donated a copy of her recent release, We Are Not Alone: The Writer's Guide to Social Media, to the Workshop's Trophy Room. Carolyn Williams displayed a new reference book for the library.

Finally, thirteen agents and editors have agreed to attend the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference with more being added soon. The event is sure to be spectacular with a full lineup of classes and speakers.

A Light Crowd Hears Lots of News

Summer vacations finally caught up with the DFW Writers' Workshop as a light crowd attended the July 28th meeting.

In the news, Nik Holman received a partial request for his novel The Boy Who Wasn't There from agent Brandi Bowles. Del Cain had two poems accepted by Cross Tim­bers magazine. A. Lee Martinez announced Gil's All-Fight Diner and In the Company of Ogres will be released as a combined book by his German publisher. In addition, Martinez has a book signing for his newest release, Divine Misfortune, this Saturday, July 31 at 10 a.m. at the Borders bookstore in Arlington.

In official news, treasurer Jeri Burbage displayed a new form that members need to complete to receive reimbursements when purchasing items for the Workshop. Secretary Kyle White advised this blog and regular meetings are now the source for all member news, including inclement weather closings (but we all know DFWWW never closes - not matter the weather). Finally, President Russell Connor stated a party will be held on October 27th to celebrate the recent milestone of 300 traditionally published books written by Workshop members. It's sure to be a big event.

The Summer Heat Doesn't Stop DFWWW Members from Submitting and Selling

Summertime typically means lower attendance at the Workshop, but not this year as good-sized crowds have continued to pack the building. The July 14 meeting was no exception with four visitors joining the already large group.

In the news, Jason Myers received a partial request for his novel Mayhem Inc. from agent John A. Ware. Paula Laroque announced that the Marion Street Press has bought her series, "The Ben Gallagher Mysteries", for a new line of imprints. The first title, Chalk Line, should be released in September 2011.

Finally, Larry Enmon gave a stirring talk on the importance of delivering detailed and informative critiques. Members, both established and new, enjoyed a reminder that we're all here to help one another.

It's Official! DFWWW Members Produce 300 Traditionally Published Books

What a night it was at the DFW Writers' Workshop. Both amendments to the By-laws passed by an overwhelming majority. According to the Treasurer's report, the conference and the workshop continue to operate in the black. And plans are underway to invite several agents and/or editors to visit later this year to speak and hear book proposals.

 In other news, A. Lee Martinez is a guest speaker at MythCon 41 this weekend in Dallas. Candace Havens turned in her latest manuscript, She Who Dares Wins, to Harlequin, and submitted a book proposal titled, Triple Dare Ranch, to the same publisher. Jamie Harrington announced her participation in WriteOnCon.com, a free online writers' conference now accepting registrations.

But in the biggest news of the night, historian Stephen Manning announced the donation of the 300th traditionally published book by a DFWWW author. A party is being planned to commemorate this momentous milestone, 33-years in the making.

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