With President Russell Connor on vacation, the May 26th meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop was a little disorganized, but the Board pulled together to conduct business. This included welcoming five new members to the growing list of weekly attendees.
In the news, A. Lee Martinez displayed the German-language edition of his book Too Many Curses. Kenneth Ingle presented the audio version of his novel First Contact. John Keith announced that Jessie Cammack with the JABberwocky Literary Agency requested the full manuscript of his work 74 Degrees. Stephen Manning advised the tally of traditionally published novels by Workshop members now rests at 299.
Finally, Jeri Burbage was seated as Treasurer to fill the spot vacated by Fred Campos. Don't worry, Fred's not leaving the Workshop, he just has other obligations that make stepping down from the Board the right decision for him.
In the news, A. Lee Martinez displayed the German-language edition of his book Too Many Curses. Kenneth Ingle presented the audio version of his novel First Contact. John Keith announced that Jessie Cammack with the JABberwocky Literary Agency requested the full manuscript of his work 74 Degrees. Stephen Manning advised the tally of traditionally published novels by Workshop members now rests at 299.
Finally, Jeri Burbage was seated as Treasurer to fill the spot vacated by Fred Campos. Don't worry, Fred's not leaving the Workshop, he just has other obligations that make stepping down from the Board the right decision for him.
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