A Spoonful of Subplot Sugar: Adding Romance to Your Story with Amanda Arista
You’ve got yourself a thrillsome thriller. A fabulous fantasy. The very best of Westerns. It just needs a little something extra – but what? Fortunately, Avon author and SMU instructor Amanda Arista is here to help you season your story to perfection... with a dash of romance! We’ll cover the the who, when, why, and how of adding a romantic subplot to your story, integrating it seamlessly with your main storyline and bringing it all to a a delicious conclusion. Bring your appetite – this class is a feast!
Click here for directions to the Writers Bloc classroom. Presentation will run from 2 to 3/3:30, with appetizers and social hour to follow in the adjoining art gallery. RSVP below to guarantee your seat!
5001 N MacArtur Blvd
Room A206
Irving, TX 75038
United States
Google map and directions