Let me tell you about Texas

BJ Sloan, is a true daughter of Texas with relatives who defended the Alamo. A bonified country girl, she grew up on the family dairy farm in central Texas. A graduate of Tarleton State University. Plain spoken and authentic, BJ’s gritty writing style explores the humorous and practical spunk of rural characters. She is currently working on fictional novels based on true stories. BJ is a member of DFW Writer’s Workshop where she currently serves as Hospitality Chair for the annual DFWCon. She has also served as VP of Outreach for the DFWWW as well as being an active member of AWOW and Women’s Fiction Writers groups. The most notable aspect that shines through all of BJ’s writing and the very thing guaranteed to fix a bad attitude simply…more cowbell.

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Bj Sloan

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  • donated 2024-12-17 16:13:18 -0600




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