LeAnn Robinson 354sc

LeAnn Robinson

LeAnn Robinson's activity stream

  • donated 2022-04-29 17:56:36 -0500

    Become a Patron

    546157f868060af45bc332169246bf9a.jpg.pngSupport one or all of our programs!

    We are a nonprofit organization made entirely of volunteers. We love to write, and we love to serve - and we've been at it for over forty years!

    We've had our hand in over 350 traditionally published books, nurtured countless writing relationships, and we've enjoyed a long-standing partnership with Literacy Instruction for Texas. Programs we offer to the public at no cost include DFW Teen Writers Workshop and DFW Writers Bloc. We also strive to ensure our conference is one of the best deals in the country.

    If you're a reader, a member's relative, an attendee to one of our free offerings, or someone who has happened upon us here and likes what we do, please consider supporting us so we can return the favor and support you.





  • published 2021-03-07 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2021-03-26 16:34:17 -0500




    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Active Members: 146


    Officer(s) absent: - David Jones, Steve Manning, Stacey Kuhns, Sarah Terentiev


    Meeting opening: - 7:00


    Visitors: - None


    New Members: None -


    Book Reviews: - Elizabeth Runyan reviewed Russell Connor’s book Between


    Rejections: - Maureen Davis- Jessica Mileo-Inkwell, Sharon Pelletier- Dystal, Goderich, and Bourret, Elaine Spencer-The Knight Agency


    Submissions: - Carolyn Williams submitted Romancing the Vet to Dafney Dumario Contest, Maureen Davis- Inkwell, The Knight Agency, Jill Grinberg Literary


    Acceptances: -


    Announcements: Leslie Lutz mark calendars for Writers Bloc on April 24, James Thayer, Top Seven Writing Mistakes and Two Bonus Mistakes, the event is open to people outside the workshop; Harry Hall, AC Hotel, a Marriott hotel property next to the Galleria is looking to host events and want to give us a room for one night a month to have authors read from their books around a two hour event, wants to host the first one on 6:00-7:50 Tuesday April 20, Melissa Lenhardt and Harry Hall have agreed to be the first authors, three ten minute readings with music in between; Rosemary Clement announced a free class on How To Test A Story Idea, online class, Ninja-writers.teachable.com



    Time adjourned: 7:18

    Total attendance: 31

  • published 2021-03-03 Board in Meeting Minutes 2020 2021-03-26 16:32:41 -0500

    2021-03-03 Board



    Date:  March 3, 2021

    Time:  5:45 pm


    Attendance: 8


    Financial Report- David Jones

    _______ in all accounts





    Membership Report 
    __147_ active members down from 149 last month


    Secretary- Maureen Davis


    Events and Programs- Leslie Lutz- James Thayer teaches novel writing but writes thrillers, leaning toward a craft lesson, he’s a former lawyer who is a little more formal, wants to see if he’ll do it for $200 which she thinks is the honorarium. We need to check what we can pay out of the budget. Jeff Ayers, published a thriller about a librarian and a YA, does a lot of collaboration work, John Rob-founder of Suspense Magazine, could talk about how to present yourself as an author, how to handle an interview. In the past $1000 set aside for Writer’s Block which includes two events per year. Wants whoever is chosen for the event to be heavily promoted through social media.


    Outreach Report- Sarah Terentiev- not a lot happening with outreach right now, but making a list of conferences and libraries, Harry Hall wants to set up an author book signing event at a hotel and for her to go look at it with him, LeAnn would like to see for authors who attend conferences who want to set up a table for outreach for the organization to find a way to help pay for it, asking if we can collect sales tax for a non-profit during sales of books, David Jones was unsure, Mike Gelhausen is suggesting it’s an advertising opportunity for DFW Writer’s Workshop and recruiting tool


    Digital Media Report- Stacey Kuhns not here


    DFWCon Report –Steve Manning- Oct 23-24 dates at Hurst Conference Center, leaning more towards going ahead and having it, but the lifting of the mask mandate complicates it somewhat. Talked with an event organizer through the hospitality industry about things that can be done to mitigate issues and have a good experience. Talked about how to enforce mask wearing which is difficult because it’s not a private facility, would be better off hiring private security to help enforce mask wearing. People will have to agree to conditions when signing up for the conference. Needs to check if enough of the conference team members are still up for doing it this year. LeAnn suggested having a drop dead date in case we need to cancel


    Infrastructure- We are not getting consistent delivery from Nation Builder which is a problem. Looking into costs for hybrid system once we are back in person, cost TBD, Committee includes John Bartell, Pressley Peters, Mike G.,


    Survey- Mike G. to get the survey out to the group, active members and to prior members if possible, would rather get it out to more than less






    Elections-Nominations for the board which is a separate entity from the officers elected for a five-year term, theoretically there should be a nominating committee that used to be Sally Hamilton that way we can have elections next month, which is a recent addition to the by-laws. Steve Manning says it creates a super-structure over this small organization that might look good when applying for grants, he’s questioning if it’s actually needed for an organization of this size which has been doing fine with the current structure and that five years is a very long period of time.

    It would add a layer of people with authority who potentially do zero of the work. David Jones is wondering if it could be structured as an honorary appointment instead. Leslie Lutz thinks trying to do this during Covid is a bad idea. Table this for further discussion for the next meeting. Mike G. is suggesting voting on it to postpone making a decision on it. LeAnne is going to delve into it to see if it’s something that needs to be done even though it’s in the by-laws. LeAnn is going to ask for a volunteers for the nominating committee who tries to get people to run for various elections


  • published 2021-03-03 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2021-03-26 16:30:17 -0500


    03/03/2021 Business Meeting Minutes


    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhnz

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning



    Officer(s) absent: 

    Members attending: 29


    Time Meeting called to Order: 7:00




    • Financial Report (David):
      • Our combined balance is currently _88,947 checking______ in all accounts


    • Membership (Matt):   
      • We have __147_ members. Down from 149 last month


    • Events (Leslie) Writer’s Block end of April will let you know more about that later


    • Community Outreach Report (Sarah): Not a lot going on, working on list of conferences that might need speakers, but right now kind of in a holding pattern because of Covid


    • Social Media (Stacey): Not here


    • 2020 Conference (Steve): Still planning on Oct. 23-24 doing some investigations on how to hold it safely, felling more confident than last week, but still a lot to figure out


    • Infrastructure:
      • Mike: Nothing to report on infrastructure



    Old Business:

    LeAnn: Looking for a volunteer for someone willing to be on a nomination committee to recruit people for running


    Meeting adjourned: 7:07





    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent:  Matt Craig, Leslie Lutz, Stacey Kuhns


    General Meeting Opening: 7:07


    Visitors: - Tiffany Stockham in Utah writes shape shifters with mental disorders (SF) also a comic strip


    New Members: - None


    Book Reviews: - None


    Rejections: - Maureen Davis from Joanna MacKenzie Nelson Literary


    Submissions: -Maureen Davis to Jessica Faust BookEnds Literary


    Acceptances:  Maureen Davis full ask from Jessica Faust at Bookends Literary


    Announcements:       None



    Time adjourned: 7:13


    Total attendance: 29


  • published 2021-02-24 in Meeting Minutes 2021 2021-03-03 15:40:43 -0600




    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: -


    Meeting opening: - 6:59


    Visitors: - None


    New Members: None -


    Book Reviews: - BJ Sloan Stork Bite by LK Simmons


    Rejections: - Lauren Danhoff, John Bartell Cold Mountain Poetry Review and Rat’s Ass Review for poetry, Pressley five rejections, Maureen Davis rejection from Kevon Lyon Marsal Lyon Literary, Sarah Terentiev from Diabolical Plots


    Submissions: - John Bartell, Rat’s Ass Review, Poets Society of Texas, Maureen Davis submitted to Sharon Pelletier Dystal, Goderich, and Bourret, Rachel Beck Liza Dawson Associates, Mollie Glick CAA,


    Acceptances: - Maureen Davis full request from Mollie Glick CAA, Pressley Peters 2 Request for full PS Literary and The Knight Agency, John Bartell accepted from Rat’s Ass Review Poetry, Dana Swift accepted tag line for second book, Russell Conners accepted book club deal March 11, Carolyn Ray agent wants full for Pretend Princess and maybe movie rights


    Announcements: Pressley Peters Highland Park Literary Festival is tomorrow night, Rosemary Clement needs info about what writers have written to enter in a computer for Wiki for authors [email protected]

    Next Wednesday is board meeting, need volunteers for a committee that can figure out options once we start meeting back in person to keep a hybrid nature of the zoom/in person meeting, March 6 Saturday at 1 pm doing an online event with Rosemary Clement and Leslie Lutz and Daka Herman talking about scary books and writing about the super natural at bluewillowbookshop.com, Steven Manning announcing date for DFWCon is now Oct. 23 and 24 tentatively but may have to be changed  



    Time adjourned: 7:23

    Total attendance: 37

  • published 2021-02-10 in Meeting Minutes 2021 2021-03-03 15:39:19 -0600




    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: -


    Meeting opening: - 7:02


    Visitors: - Jason (no last name given)


    New Members: Prabhat Dixit , Stephen Perkins (returning member from a few years ago)


    Book Reviews: - Leslie Lutz reviewed Cast In Firelight by Dana Swift,


    Rejections: - Maureen Davis two rejections Michelle Brower Aevitas and Kim Lionetti Bookends, Steven Perkins 12 rejections


    Submissions: - Maureen Davis six submissions, Dana Swift submitted book edits for book 2


    Acceptances: - Kimberly Moravec My Dog Eating My Thermometer accepted in Curious publication on Medium, Perceptions magazine accepted a story by Stephen Perkins, Alex Martinez book turned into movie premiered Monster Run on Netflix


    Announcements: None           



    Time adjourned: 7:15

    Total attendance: 37

  • published 2021-02-03 in Meeting Minutes 2021 2021-03-03 15:38:12 -0600


    02/03/21 Business Meeting Minutes


    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhnz

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning



    Officer(s) absent: 

    Members attending: 40


    Time Meeting called to Order:  7:00




    • Financial Report (David):
      • Our combined balance is currently _123,816______ in all accounts


    • Membership (Matt):   
      • We have _149__ members.


    • Events (Leslie) Valentine’s Read is next week Feb. 10, Writer’s Bloc in April still deciding on a speaker


    • Community Outreach Report ():


    • Social Media (Stacey): Still focusing on Craft Blogs, Pressley promoting something she’s invoved in


    • 2021 Conference (Steve): Nothing to report


    • Infrastructure:
      • Mike: Survey sent out to all members within the next two weeks so be on the lookout for that



    Old Business: Still looking at Covid situation, no chance of meeting in person any time soon


    Meeting adjourned: 7:03





    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: 

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent:  Steve Manning, Stacey Kuhnz


    General Meeting Opening: 7:03


    Visitors: - Cathy Chen-neighbor of Carolyn Williamson


    New Members: - None


    Book Reviews: - Elizabeth Runyan reviewed Dana Swift’s book Cast in Firelight

    John Bartell reviewed Killers of the Flower Moon and The Lost Spells book on poetry

    Allen Crowley- reviewed Russell Conner’s book




    Rejections: - Elizabeth Runyan rejection


    Submissions: -John Bartell- submitted poems, JB-submitted short story, Elizabeth Runyan-more queries to agents, Pressley Peters- submitted The Tiny Kingdom, Request for a full

    Dan Swift got paid!!!


    Acceptances:  Dana Swift got paid!!

    Full request for manuscript Maureen Davis


    Announcements: Leslie Lutz announcing Valentines Read sign up

    Angela Ackerman doing a workshop for $20 by Carolyn Williamson

    Highland Park keynote speaker Tea Obreht for the 25th annual Highland Park Literary Festival Thursday February 25 at 7:00 free and open to the public register at hplitfest.com



    Time adjourned: 7:19


    Total attendance: 40


  • published 2021-01-27 in Meeting Minutes 2021 2021-03-03 15:36:16 -0600




    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: -  David Jones, Steve Manning


    Meeting opening: - 7:03


    Visitors: - Shawn Rogers, Chamigne Sharette, Donnie Claxton


    New Members: None -


    Book Reviews: - None


    Rejections: - Elizabeth Runyan agent rejection, Brian Tracey cozy agent rejection wants to see the next one though,


    Submissions: - Elizabeth Runyan submitted to a different agent,


    Acceptances: - Colin Holmes acceptance from a publisher wanting to buy his book


    Announcements: Leslie Lutz Writer’s Block late March looking into possible speakers for an online event, wanting to know what subjects are being covered, Valentines Day reads for the February 10

    LeAnne announced next week is board meeting at 5:45




    Time adjourned: 7:17

    Total attendance: 41

  • published 2021-01-20 in Meeting Minutes 2021 2021-03-03 15:34:59 -0600




    President: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Leslie Lutz

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: Maureen Davis

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: -


    Meeting opening: - 7:02




    Visitors: - Chamaigne Montana-Sharette


    New Members: None -


    Book Reviews: - Alan Crowley-reviewed On the Shores of Tejho Russell Conner’s book

    Caroyln Williamson-reviewed Pam Taylor’s- Upon This Throne


    Rejections: - none


    Submissions: - John Bartell-submitted poems to a prestigious journal



    Acceptances: -none



    Karen Ferrell-4th book- The Adventures of PBJ Great Great Uncle’s Ghost is available for sale

    Leslie Lutz-Dana Swift January 21 virtual launch at 6 pm Interabang Books interviewed by Leslie Lutz-link in chat



    Time adjourned: 7:15

    Total attendance: 38

  • published 2021-01-06 minutes in Meeting Minutes 2021 2021-03-03 15:33:53 -0600

    2021-01-06 minutes



    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure: Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: - David Jones, Steve Manning


    Meeting opening: - 7:11


    Visitors: - Rachael, who writes fantasy


    New Members: None


    Book Reviews: - Harry – Jerry Gladys’s book Dying to Fly


    Rejections: - Meredith got a rejection from Northern Arizona and Overland, and a deferral from TCU and one other.

    Sarah Terentiev - Daily science fiction rejected Pest


    Submissions: - Sarah – Flash Fiction Online – Pest


    Acceptances: - Melissa – Fantasy short story Falling Gods in E-Zine Laureli Signal



    • David Goodner’s second book, Kondo and Kezumi Reach Bell Bottom came out yesterday. It is also a junior library guild selection.
    • Dana Swift’s book comes out in less than two weeks. I got my author copy today. Jan 19th will be a Books and Books in Miami launch (virtual). Thursday will be with Interrabang, interviewed by Leslie Lutz.
    • Harry Hall, came across B4R (books for readers) sponsored by the Author’s marketing guild.
    • Sarah Terentiev – her story is in an anthology that is up for the “Stabby” award on Redit.
    • Next week is elections: Up for elections is President, VP Programs, and secretary. If you have good ideas, let us know. Be prepared to volunteer to help. Also, we need someone to a backup to what Mike does each week.



    Stacey Kuhns

    Dana Swift

    Lauren Danhof


    Time adjourned: 7:31

    Total attendance: 36

  • published 2020-12-16 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2021-01-13 13:52:35 -0600


    David Goodner – Second book, Kondo and Kezumi Reach Bell Bottom came out yesterday. It is also a junior library guild selection.

    Dana Swift book comes out in less than two weeks. I got my author copy today.

    Jan 19th will be a Books and Books in Miama launch (virtual). Thursday will be with Interrabang, interviewed by Leslie Lutz,


    Harry Hall, came across B4R (books for readers) sponsored by the Author’s marketing guild.


    Sarah Terentiev – her story is in an anthology that is up for the “Stabby” award on Redit.


    Next week is elections: Up for elections is President, VP Programs, and secretary. If you have good ideas, let us know. Be prepared to volunteer to help. Also, we need someone to a backup to what Mike does each week.



    Stacey Kuhns

    Dana Swift

    Lauren Danhof


    Time adjourned: 7:31

    Total attendance: 36

  • published 2020-12-09 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-12-13 15:43:13 -0600




    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: - David Jones, Sarah Terentiev, Mike Gelhausen, Steve Manning


    Meeting opening: - 7:06


    Visitors: - None


    New Members: None -


    Book Reviews: - None


    Rejections: - Pressley Peters was rejected by a women’s fiction writing association.


    Submissions: -

    • Colin Holmes got a request for a full on his book Hitman, which he sent in.
    • John Bartelle submitted a poem to Poetry Society of Texas
    • Brian Tracey sent the manuscript to his cozy agent.
    • Dillen submitted a short story to an anthology
    • Meredith St. John submitted to a contest by The Writer.
    • Liz Larson went out another group of queries.


    Acceptances: -

    • Darryl McGinnis’s story about the Dean of Students at the UT Law school was accepted by the school for publication.
    • Dana Swift got two request for interview, which she accepted.



    • Pressley Peters announced that Highland Park High School will run a program on Feb 25th, 7 pm, and the headline speaker will be Tea O’Breht.
    • Elections will be January 13th. Up for election are President, Vice President for Programs and Secretary.


    Time adjourned: 7:19

    Total attendance: 33

  • published 2020-12-02 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-12-13 15:24:57 -0600


    12/02/20 Business Meeting Minutes


    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhnz

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning



    Officer(s) absent:  Steve Manning, Sarah Terentiev


    Members attending: 33


    Time Meeting called to Order:  7:01




    • Financial Report (David):
      • Our combined balance is currently $123,909.17 in all accounts.
      • Funds levels are holding steady.


    • Membership (Matt):   
      • We have 154 members.
      • Membership is holding steady.


    • Events (Sally) Nothing to report


    • Community Outreach Report (Sarah): Nothing to report.


    • Social Media (Stacey): Nothing to report


    • 2020 Conference (Steve): Nothing to report


    • Infrastructure: (Mike) Nothing to report



    Old Business:

    We continue working with the city of Euless. Currently trying to contact them because our contract is up, and we need to renew, so we have a place to meet when we’re finally able..

    New Business: Elections will be held the second Wednesday of January (January 13th). Up for election are President, Vice President for programs and Secretary.



    Meeting adjourned: 7:10





    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson 

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: Steve Manning, Sarah Terentiev


    General Meeting Opening: 7:10


    Visitors: - Melissa DeCarlos, shares agent with Brooke Fossey, writes women’s fiction.


    New Members: - None


    Book Reviews: -

    • Penny Askew reviewed the following: A Brief History of Time Travel by Ed Isbell, and My Father, My King by Pamela Taylor.
    • Leslie Lutz reviewed Romancing the Vet by Carolyn Rae.



    Rejections: - None


    Submissions: -None


    Acceptances:  None



    • Carolyn Rae Williamson announced that her novel Forgotten Princess was released yesterday. If you order today, you can get book #1 in the series (Pretend Princess) for free.
    • Leslie Lutz will be on a panel by the Gaden District Workshop in New Orleans this Friday. It will be virtual.
    • David Goodner said that he received his author copy of his newest book Kondo and Kezumi Reach Bell Bottom . Also, it got a 5-star review from a library organization.
    • Harry Hall got a message from his publisher’s office that they are looking for small businesses like gift shops that would like to carry his latest book, This Used to be Dallas.



    Time adjourned: 7:27


    Total attendance: 33


  • published 2020-11-25 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-11-25 20:12:47 -0600




    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: - Sarah Terentiev, Steve Manning, David Jones


    Meeting opening: - 7:04


    Visitors: - None


    New Members: None -


    Book Reviews: - None


    Rejections: - Candace Watson rejected by an agent.


    Submissions: - Lauren Danhoff submitted a poem


    Acceptances: - Alex Martinez got a call from Alan Rosenburg, who is interested in doing something with The Automatic Detective for TV.




    • Jenny Martin has a new agent.
    • Dana Swift’s librarian box is now up for sale.
    • LeAnn Robinson is splitting her first novel and is now writing a new ending to the old beginning.


    Time adjourned: 7:14

    Total attendance: 25

  • published 2020-11-11 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-11-12 21:13:52 -0600




    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: - David Jones, Sarah Terentiev, Steve Manning


    Meeting opening: - 7:04


    Visitors: - None


    New Members: - Cordelia, esoteric fiction


    Book Reviews: -

    • Elizabeth Runyon, Cry Wolf by David Links
    • Carolyn Rae Williamson, Forever 51 by Pam Skjolsvik


    Rejections: - None


    Submissions: - None


    Acceptances: - Alex Martinez received a check for development of Monster for a TV movie.



    Announcements:       Harry Hall will be doing an interview with one of the Dallas Advocate newspapers about his book, This Used to be Dallas.


    Time adjourned: 7:17

    Total attendance: 36

  • published 2020-11-04 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-11-12 21:13:02 -0600


    11/04/20 Business Meeting Minutes


    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson           

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhnz

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning



    Officer(s) absent:  Steve Manning, Stacey Kuhnz

    Members attending: 34


    Time Meeting called to Order:  7:02




    • Financial Report (David):
      • Our combined balance is currently $123,962 in all accounts
      • There is currently $10,782 that needs to be moved out of Paypal.


    • Membership (Matt):   
      • We have 154 members. Feel free to invite friends to come as visitors or new members.


    • Events (Sally) Nothing to report


    • Community Outreach Report (Sarah): My job is to get speaking engagements for our authors. If you need a foot in the door to be a speaker at a conference, let me know and I will contact them.


    • Social Media (Stacey):


    • 2020 Conference (Steve): Nothing to report


    • Infrastructure:
      • Mike: If you didn’t your RSVP email, email me and I will try to find the pattern.
      • Allen: If you have email problems, it might have gone to the promotions tab. Check all your tabs.

    New Business: Elections for the board will be in January. The following positions are up for election: President, VP events, secretary. If we don’t fill the positions, we can’t meet, so consider volunteering.


    Old Business: We’re still working the future with regard to COVID-19.


    Meeting adjourned: 7:10





    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson           

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent:  Steve Manning, Stacey Kuhnz


    General Meeting Opening: 7:10


    Visitors: - Rochelle Sangabriel. She doesn’t remember how she found out about us. She had visited a couple of years ago, but then got a job working night shift and couldn’t continue. She writes romantic thrillers.


    New Members: - None


    Book Reviews: - None



    Rejections: -

    • Sarah Terentiev was rejected by Daily Science Fiction. It was just a form rejection. She also had another short story rejected.
    • Candice Watson got a rejection from an agency, and another from Laura Zats.
    • Paula Laskick got a rejection from Swanee Review. They also said they would like to hear more from her.


    Submissions: -None



    • Dana Swift got her marketing plan
    • Sarah Terentiev received a check from her first sale, in Silk and Steel Anthology.
    • Brian Tracey completed his collaboration agreement, and the agent has sent out the manuscript to six publishers last week.
    • Alex got a check for a project. Also, an old anthology he is in is being re-made as an audiobook.


    Announcements:       None



    Time adjourned: 7:25


    Total attendance: 34


  • published 2020-10-28 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-10-29 15:29:28 -0500




    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: - Rosemary Clement-Moore, David Jones, Sarah Terentiev, Steve Manning


    Meeting opening: - 7:05


    Visitors: - Dierdre DiMenna, writes chick lit


    New Members: - None


    Book Reviews: - Tracy Underwood reviewed Romancing the Vet by Carolyn Rae


    Rejections: - None


    Submissions: - LeAnn Robinson submitted a short story to an anthology


    Acceptances: - Pressley Peters book, which she ghost-wrote part of, was picked up by an agent in Houston


     J.B. Sanders announced that the anthology he has a short story in will launch this Saturday. He will post links tomorrow. The anthology is called Nightmare Whispers, Vol. 2.


    Time adjourned: 7:20

    Total attendance: 36

  • published 2020-10-21 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-10-22 11:42:42 -0500




    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: - Rosemary Clement-Moore, Sally Hamilton, David Jones, Sarah Terentiev, Stacey Kuhns, Steve Manning


    Meeting opening: - 7:04


    Visitors: - Marilyn Mathis – heard about us through friends in the group. Writes mysteries and poetry.


    New Members: - none


    Book Reviews: -

    • B. Sanders reviewed Sands of the Prophet, by Russell Connor
    • Elizabeth Runyon reviewed The Bend in the Road by Danielle Stewart


    Rejections: - None


    Submissions: - Kimberly Maravec submitted an article to The Writing Cooperative


    Acceptances: - None





    • David Goodner announced that his book, Kondo and Kezumi visit Giant Island comes out this week
    • Dana Swift reminded everyone that next week is Spooky Reads.


    Time adjourned:  7:15

    Total attendance: 31

  • published 2020-10-14 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-10-15 12:49:16 -0500




    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Infrastructure:  Mike Gelhausen

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent: - Sarah Terentiev, Sally Hamilton, Stacy Kuhns, Steve Manning, David Jones


    Meeting opening: - 7:04


    Visitors: - None


    New Members: - Frank Snyder, “trying to find where I am with writing”


    Book Reviews: - B.J. Sloan reviewed City of Fear by Larry Inman


    Rejections: -

    • Lauren Danhof – Rejected within thirty minutes of submission. This must be a new record!
    • Elizabeth Runyon – rejected by an agent
    • John Bartell – had a novel and a short story rejected
    • Charlie Hilliard – the rejection said they really liked it, but it didn’t fit with their genre


    Submissions: -

    • Brian Tracey – he and his writing partner have submitted a mystery proposal to their agent
    • Lauren Danhof submitted her novel to a couple more agents.


    Acceptances: - None





    • Rosemary – 28 October will be our spooky read night
    • Allen Crowley – Pam’s book, Forever 51, comes out on November 5th.
    • David Goodner – His book, Kondo and Kezumi Visit Giant Island comes out in about two weeks


    Time adjourned: 7:22

    Total attendance: 39

  • published 2020-10-07 in Meeting Minutes 2020 2020-10-15 12:48:17 -0500


    10/07/20 Business Meeting Minutes


    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson           

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhnz

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent:  Steve Manning, Sarah Terentiev

    Members attending: 37


    Time Meeting called to Order:  7:04




    • Financial Report (David):
      • Our combined balance is currently $124,380.91


    • Membership (Matt):   
      • We have 162 members


    • Events (Sally) Nothing to report


    • Community Outreach Report (Sarah): Nothing to report


    • Social Media (Stacey): Trying to do a craft track on our blog. This is to showcase our talent, to encourage people to join. If you have a special skill, let me know


    • 2020 Conference (Steve): Nothing to report

    New Business: Elections for the board will be in January. The following positions are up for election: President, VP events, secretary


    Old Business: We’re still working the future with regard to COVID-19.


    Meeting adjourned: 7:10





    President: Rosemary Clement-Moore

    Vice President of Membership: Matt Craig

    Vice President of Events and Programs:  Sally Hamilton

    Treasurer: David Jones

    Secretary: LeAnn Robinson           

    Vice President of Community Outreach: Sarah Terentiev

    Vice President of Digital Media: Stacey Kuhns

    Conference Chair: Steve Manning


    Officer(s) absent:  Steve Manning, Sarah Terentiev


    General Meeting Opening: 7:10


    Visitors: - None


    New Members: - Mike Johnson, short stories and poetry, lives in Lewisville


    Book Reviews: -

    • Stacy Kuhns – Romancing the Vet by Carolyn Rae (Carolyn Williamson)
    • Carolyn Williamson – How a Heart Beats, by Ellis Kaye (Stacy Kuhns)


    Rejections: - Liz Larson, two rejections and one no response.


    Submissions: -Elizabeth Runyon submitted to some more agents.



    • Pressley Peters – two agents asked her to query them at a Women’s fiction event
    • Russell Conner – Amazon nominated his book for a Kindle deal in the UK. The book title is “Good Neighbors.”



    • Leslie Lutz – there is a Goodreads giveaway for her book, Fractured Tide
    • Brooke Fossey – Will we do Halloween reads?
    • Salley Hamilton – yes, on October 29th. There will also be regular rooms. Spooky reads not required.
    • Dana Swift – Her editor just left publishing, so she has a new editor.


    Time adjourned: 7:28


    Total attendance: 37


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