Writer | Editor | Teacher Mag Gabbert Talks Publication
Submitting individual pieces, such as stories, essays, poems, and keeping careful records can set you on the right path toward publishing a full-length book and compiling a healthy writing résumé. You may not want to skip steps in this process. Do you want to know why? What are the procedures for sending out written work, and do I include them in a cover letter? Who is publishing what and where?Let’s understand the process of becoming a published writer and get our written works into the world. Join poet, essayist, and creative writing instructor, Mag Gabbert in a discussion about publication. You may learn that you have been missing an important step or two.
MAG GABBERT holds a Ph.D. in creative writing from Texas Tech University and an MFA from The University of California at Riverside. Her essays and poems can be found in 32 Poems, Pleiades, The Rumpus, Thrush, The Massachusetts Review, Waxwing, The Pinch, Stirring, Carve Magazine, Sugar HouseReview, and The Nervous Breakdown, and many other journals. Mag is the author of Minml Poems, a chapbook of visual poetry and nonfiction (Cooper Dillon Books, 2020). She has received poetry fellowships from Idyllwild Arts and Poetry at Round Top. Mag currently teaches creative writing at Southern Methodist University and for Writing Workshops Dallas. She also serves as the interview editor for Underblong Journal. www.maggabbert.com
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June 21, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm