Paola Lastick published 2023-01-11 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2023 2023-01-13 19:46:48 -0600
2023-01-11 General Meeting Minutes
01/11/2023 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
Officers Present:
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton (New)
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Sarah Mensinga (new)
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowley
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
2023 Conference Chair: Brooke Fossey
Officers Absent: 0
Members Attending: 41
Total Members: 144
Time Business Meeting Called to Order: 7:04
Leslie presents Treasurers’ Report:
Workshop account ending in 32: $94,053.14
Con account ending in 40: $12,752.17
CD: $10,457.59
Total: $117,262.90
Membership income in December: $1940.12
Membership income from January 1 – 11: $1176
January Expenses 1-11:
Security: $195
Admin Expenses: $93.94 (bank transaction fees)
Refunded membership: $100Total January expenses through the 11 th : $388.94
Leslie also notes that at the beginning of the year we tend to have more new members because of New
Years resolutions.
Helen gives the Membership Report. Membership is going up. DFWWW currently has 144 members.
John reminds everyone that Valentine’s Day is approaching. Members can prepare short stories for the
Valentine’s Day reads.
John also announces that it is time for the 2023 officer elections.
Harry Hall explains that we will be voting by acclimation because all candidates are running unopposed.
He also introduces the new officers: Sarah Mensinga will be the new secretary, Grant Gargagliano will
serve as VP of Infrastructure, Sally Hamilton will be VP of Events and Programs, John Bartell will remain
President. Members all say “Aye” all in favor of the new officers.
All officers introduce themselves and briefly explain their roles.
John explains that although Brooke was appointed to the advisory board last year, she is stepping down
so that she can be the conference director. Therefore, Russell Conner will be joining the advisory board
instead. Members say Aye to accept Russell as an advisory board member, and Russell introduces
Brooke lets everyone know they can pencil DFWCON in for October 7 th & 8 th .
Business meeting adjourned at 7:15, weekly meeting begins.
Guests: 1
Susan Gaffon
New Members: 2
Kirk Holdren, writes thrillers, crime.
Book Reviews: 2
Allen Crowley reviewed Larry’s book on Amazon
Steve Manning also reviewed Larry’s book.Rejections: 1
John Bartell
Submissions: 0Acceptances: 0
Leslie’s book, Fractured Tides has a 99 cent BookBub deal tomorrow. Visit Leslielutz_writes to find a link.
Melissa Lenhardt is now available as a developmental/editing coach.
Steve Manning has brought train calendars to share.
Rosemary is teaching a webinar this Saturday at 2: Five Steps to Take your Book from Meh to Marvelous.
Register beforehand on RosemaryClement.com, that way you can get the Zoom link. You can also sign
up for Rosemary’s newletter to learn about the other writing services she offers.
Leslie shares that International Thriller Writers is championing a school in Nigeria that helps girls who
have been affected by terrorism. ITW wants to help stock their library. If you have written a book (or
have a gently used book) that is appropriate for readers ages 14-16, please consider donating it to Leslie.
She will send them to Nigeria. Leslie plans to send a box in two weeks, but she will send another
package if more books are donated afterwards.
Meeting adjourned: 7:26
Paola Lastick published 2023-01-11 Officer's Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2023 2023-01-13 19:45:17 -0600
2023-01-11 Officer's Meeting Minutes
01/11/2023 DFW Writer’s Workshop
Officer’s Meeting Minutes
Officers Present:
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Sarah Mensinga (new)
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowley
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
2023 Conference Chair: Brooke Fossey
2022 Conference Chair: Colin Holmes
Past Presidents: Rosemary Clement and LeAnn Robinson
Officers Absent:
Vice President of Events and Programs: Sally Hamilton (New)
Meeting Called to Order: 6:04 pm
John discusses elections and it is decided we will vote by acclimation. He also suggests all officers
introduce themselves and explain their roles at business meeting later.
John would like to have an annual meeting with board advisors and officers to assess business. Brooke
agrees, and thinks the board has an obligation to make sure financials are in order, and that DFWWW
has a 5 to 10 year plan for the future. John would also like to revisit bylaws about elections in that
Since Brooke is stepping down from the Board of Advisors to chair the 2023 Conference, Russell Conner
will take her place.
There is then discussion about who is the point person on the Board of Advisors (sets meeting agenda,
etc.) Usually this is the person who has been on the board for five years, but since Brooke is stepping
down, the Board will have to decide who is now the point person. Everyone agrees it’s okay for the
board to decide this amongst themselves.The Annual Board Meeting (which includes both officers and board members) will be on February 5 th , at
7:00, location TBD. John will bring a TV & computer so it can be a hybrid meeting because there is a
concern not all members will be able to attend in person.
The annual meeting will possibly happen at the Texas Star, but there is concern that the Texas Star has
bad wifi. Brooke offers to look for a better location.
6:16 – John hands out an Officers Calendar. He would like the officers to use this as a guide/checklist for
what their responsibilities are. Leslie would like to add some items to the calendar (such as filing a
periodic report.)
Leslie explains that she renewed the insurance for the convention twice last year for various logistical
6:19 – Allen explains the GoDaddy problem. Multiple DFWWW-esque website urls were previously
purchased for the group by Steve Manning but transferring ownership has been complicated; there
already was a GoDaddy DFW Writer’s Workshop.org account that no one knew about or can access.
GoDaddy transferred the urls to that account, and therefore, they are unreachable (at least for now).
Allen is working to resolve the issue with GoDaddy.
Allen wonders if we should migrate our website to GoDaddy because they provide good support. Since
there are a lot of pages on our site, GoDaddy will review the site and give us a quote for transferring it.
Brooke wonders if we can migrate Nation Builder info over too. Allen says he is looking into that as well.
It is generally agreed that we should know how much money the website costs in total, and we should
review whether there are better/more cost-effective options.
Allen explains that we can either migrate the WordPress site over, or we can use their content
management system.
Brian is concerned that using GoDaddy’s content management system would make it difficult to move
the website in the future.
John would like to know who the current webmaster is. Rosemary says website operation should be
covered by VP of Infrastructure.
John and Brian both agree that the website should be updated in general (new photos, etc.)
Rosemary suggests that it may be best to update the website incrementally, rather than overhauling the
entire site. She thinks it would be best to consider each element of the website as a separate entity.
6:31 – Leslie gives the Treasurer’s report:
Treasurer’s Report – January 11, 2023
Prepared by: Leslie Lutz
StatementWorkshop account ending in 32: $94,053.14
Con account ending in 40: $12,752.17
CD: $10,457.59
Total: $117,262.90
Membership income in December: $1940.12
Membership income from January 1 – 11: $1176
January Expenses 1-11:
Security: $195
Admin Expenses: $93.94 (bank transaction fees)
Refunded membership: $100
Total January expenses through the 11 th : $388.94
Leslie explains that we are no longer using Paypal, which makes things less complicated.
Leslie gives a profit/loss sheet to Brooke.
Leslie would like to do two things. The first is making a policies and procedures guide for the Treasurer.
She would like everyone to have a copy of this. She also plans to review our transactions with
Authorize.net (Frost Bank).
Leslie explains there was profit in December, but not for 2022 as a whole.
Leslie says rent for the Simmons Center is paid through June.
There is concern that the Zoom accounts have not been cancelled and maybe should be. John offers to
review this.
Leslie would also like the Google Drive to be organized better. Rosemary agrees.
6:39 – Brooke gives the 2023 Conference Chair Report. The Con will be October 7&8 th . It will remain at
the same location in Hurst for financial reasons. Because of that, Brooke would like to think of some out-
of-the-box ideas to make it a fresh experience for returning attendees.
The con may conflict with the Writers in the Field event again, but Hurst did not give Brooke many other
choices for weekends, so this is unavoidable. To make sure there are no bad feelings, Brooke would like
to make it clear that any conflict with Writers in the Field is unintentional.
There is some discussion about how to smooth things over with WITF, and many people think offering
the Writers in the Field organizers a table at the con would be a good idea. Grant wonders if we should
also have a table at Writers in the Field. Most officers think that would not be a good idea based on the
outdoor nature of Writers in the Field, although a few officers would like to consider that type of
outreach.6:44 – Allen gives the Outreach Report. He would like to invite librarians to our meetings. Everyone likes
this idea. Brooke also suggests sending a thank you card to the city of Euless. Everyone agrees. John
suggests the card include the many ways DFWWW members appreciate having our meetings the city of
Euless (use of local restaurants, etc.)
Allen suggests we could use a tech committee moving forward.
Brooke reminds everyone that every officer is permitted to create committees as needed for their
Brooke suggests Allen connect with Sally to find locations for future Writer’s Block events. A free venue
would be best. Officers wonder if this could potentially be a library or local church. Leslie reminds
everyone that a past event at Interrobang Books after hours was successful.
Allen would like DFWWW to participate in North Texas Giving Day. Brooke explains that if we register on
their website as a non-profit, we will be eligible for giving opportunities.
6:49 – Since Sally is not present, John says he will connect with her about upcoming events, such as the
Valentine’s Day reads.
6:50 – Helen gives the Membership Report. Membership is up to 144, with 5 new members this past
month. John offers to help people who paid by check create accounts. It is agreed that one member in
good standing who is on a very fixed income will be allowed to pay the old rate so they can remain a
Brian gives the Digital Media Report. He says he will continue his Friday Reads posts, and that he is
happy to promote members’ projects and events, but they need to let him know about them.
John suggests we give the Amazon links for Friday Reads books a permanent home on the website.
Others agree that this is a good idea.
6:54 – Grant gives the Infrastructure Report. He would like to make a Disqus discussion board for
members. He wonders what a good structure would be – an open chat, or perhaps something more
organized? Rosemary says she has been thinking about this a lot too, and that she has many ideas. She
suggests making a Web/Infrastructure Committee to create a proposal that can then be presented to
the board. Grant agrees.
John asks me if I have a Secretary’s Report. Since I’m new in the role as secretary, I don’t, but we discuss
that I’ll need to get all relevant information from the outgoing secretary, Paola. I say I will contact Paola.
6:56 – John asks Rosemary to present her thoughts. Rosemary suggests we consider Notion as a
discussion board platform. Since this needs further discussion and the meeting is nearly over, John
suggests arranging a ½ hour meeting to further discuss Disqus/Notion options.
Rosemary also discusses a weekly newsletter and says it could also include member news. Rosemary
says she could easily add this to the newsletter. It could include book announcements, services offered
by workshop members, and author events—such as signings. It would not include direct sales but could
link to author’s website if they have a new book. Rosemary thinks twitter-length posts would work best.As meeting wraps up, John encourages everyone to look at the Officers Calendar and complete tasks
listed there.
Allen suggests having an informal meet-up at a Taco Bueno (or a similar spot) to do a hand-off with
outgoing/incoming officers. Rosemary says a Zoom meeting also works well because it can be recorded
by the incoming officer and then used as reference if needed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:01. Off to the business meeting!Meeting adjourned. 7:26
Paola Lastick published 2023-01-04 Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2023 2023-01-13 19:42:56 -0600
2023-01-04 Meeting Minutes
01/04/2023 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
Officers Present:
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick (Sarah Mensinga filling in)
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowley
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
2023 Conference Chair: Brooke Fossey
Officers Absent:
Charlie Hilliard
Leslie Lutz
Members Attending: 32
Total Members:
Time Meeting Called to Order: 7:03 pm
Guests: 1 Nick
New Members: 1 Kristian Caper
Book Reviews: 0
Rejections: 1
Sean Warner received 1 rejection
Submissions: 2
Carolyn Rae – Six Days to Live, to Agent Terry Wolf from the conference
John Bartell – Novel to an agent.
Acceptances: 0Announcements:
Elections are next week. Officers to be voted on are Sally, Sarah Mensinga, Grant Gargagliano & John
International Thriller Writers are collecting YA books for all-girls school in Nigeria. Authors of books for
readers ages 14-16 can donate them on Jan 11 th , Leslie Lutz will pick up.
Leslie Lutz’s book Fractured Tide available on Bookbub for 99 cents on Jan 12, 2023.
Rosemary Clement-Moore is hosting a webinar on Jan 14 th at 2:00pm. Check with Rosemary for details.
Laurie Danhof’s book has new book title “It’s Not a Cult” and a cover. It will be published August 22,
John Bartell tells a buzzard story while we wait for the read list.
Meeting adjourned.
Paola Lastick published 2022-12-28 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2023-01-02 20:53:09 -0600
2022-12-28 General Meeting Minutes
Members Present: 30Officers Present: John Bartell, Brian Tracey, Grant Gargagliano, Helen Dent, Allen Crowley1 visitorRejections: Shawn Warner - 2 rejections from agentsSubmissions: Shawn Warner - sent 2nd book in series to 3 agentsAcceptances: Katie Bernet - signed with a new agent, on submission;Dana Swift - signed with a new agent, will go on submission in January;Allen Crowley - accepted by Oracle
Paola Lastick published 2022-12-14 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2023-01-02 20:52:02 -0600
2022-12-14 General Meeting Minutes
12/14/22 General Meeting MinutesWe had 32 attendees.Officers present: Charlie Hilliard, Allen Crowley, John Bartell, Helen Dent, and Brian Tracey2 New Members: Matthew and SheenaRejections: A. Lee Martinez - Gil's All Fright Diner is not going to Roku because of a management changeSubmissions: John Bartell - submitted poems to several journalsAcceptances: A. Lee Martinez - the Constance Verity movie is still on the tableAnnouncements:Charlie Hilliard - next Wednesday, December 21 will be a potluck and end-of-year celebrationHarry Hall - contact him if interested in any of the positions for the upcoming election in January (secretary, programs, president, and infrastructure)Colin Holmes - thank you for all the cards and support during this timeRosemary Clement - contact her at [email protected] to be added to her mailing list for free webinars and writing motivation.Rosemary Clement - contact her at [email protected] to be added to a beta reader list (if you are willing to beta read for others and/or if you'd like to have your own manuscript beta-read).
Paola Lastick published Dues Increase Board Vote - Emails in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-12-03 20:15:14 -0600
Paola Lastick published 2022-11-30 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-12-01 10:41:11 -0600
2022-11-30 General Meeting Minutes
11/30/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
2023 Conference Chair: Brooke Fossey
Officer(s) absent:
Charlie Hilliard
Members attending: 27
Total Members: 158
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:02 PM
John Bartell opens meeting.
Guests: 0
New Members: 0
Book Reviews: 0
Rejections: 1
- John Bartell received 1 rejection
Submissions: 2
- Carolyn Rae
- John Bartell
Acceptance: 1
- Brian Tracey is now a represented author.
Carolyn Rae announced that the book she worked on with her nephew “Satan’s Glove” is now available.
Allan thanked Leslie Lutz for bringing cheesecake and Rosemary for bringing brownies.
Helen announced name tags are in and asked members to come to the front desk to get theirs.
Harry Hall announced a few officer positions are coming up in January. Please reach out to Harry if interested in running.
John Bartell announced the passing of Colin Holmes’s son and read part of the obituary. In leu of flowers, a donation will be sent on behalf of DFWWW to the hospice.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM
Paola Lastick published 2011-11-23 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-11-30 08:54:47 -0600
2011-11-23 General Meeting Minutes
Officer Absent: Paola Lastick, Brian Tracy, Allen Crowley, Leslie Lutz
Meeting Opening: 7:07pm
Active Members:
Attendees: 16
Visitors: 0
New Members: 0
Book Reviews: None
Rejections: None
Submission: None
Acceptances: None
Announcements: Charlie: Russell C. Connor and Sarah Bale will be doing a panel called “The
Do’s and Don’ts of Self-Publishing” on January 27 th . More details to come!
John: Items were left behind last week. Dog books Allen brought and a red notebook.
Helen: Announced two nametags arrived.
Time Adjurned: 7:12PM
Total attendance: 16
Paola Lastick published 2022-11-16 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-11-17 08:49:28 -0600
2022-11-16 General Meeting Minutes
11/16/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
2023 Conference Chair: Brooke Fossey
Officer(s) absent:
Charlie Hilliard
Members attending: 30
Total Members: 158
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:04 PM
John Bartell opens meeting.
Guests: 0
New Members: 0
Book Reviews: 0
Rejections: 2
- Shawn Rogers received 2 rejections
- John Bartell received 2 rejections
Submissions: 1
- Grant Gargagliano
Acceptance: 1
- Grant Gargagliano
John makes announcement on behalf of Charlie Hilliard: Next Wednesday (11/23/22) DFWWW will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a potluck for members and guests.
Brooke Fossey announced she will be the 2023 DFW Con chair and passed out surveys for members and gusts to fill out and turn back to her.
Carolyn Rae will be presenting at the Granbury’s Writer’s Group next month. Please reach out to Carolyn if interested.
Sarah announced she has a show in Grapevine the 1st weekend in December. Please reach out for details if interested.
Meeting adjourned at 7:11 PM
Paola Lastick published 2023 DFWWW Budget Estimate (2) in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-11-16 09:33:14 -0600
Paola Lastick published 2023 DFWWW Budget Estimate in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-11-14 13:16:53 -0600
2023 DFWWW Budget Estimate
Membership Dues ($100*160) = $16,000
Facilities = $17,000
Rent ($100/night) = $5,200
Security ($195/night – up from $150/night) =$10,335
Insurance = $1,700
Operations = $4,000
Website activities (domain names, wordpress, NationBuilders, Quick books, Tax returns)
Writer’s Block = $600
Other expenses = $1,000
Total expense = $23,000
Total deficit = -$6,700
Paola Lastick published 2022-11-09 Business Meeting & General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-11-14 13:15:16 -0600
2022-11-09 Business Meeting & General Meeting Minutes
11/09/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
Business Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowley
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
Conference Chair: Collin Holmes
Officer(s) absent: Grant Gargagliano
Number of Members: 158
Members attending: 32
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:02 PM
John opens meeting with old business of the bylaws. John states the findings from our lawyer: there are issues with our bylaws. Our lawyer made suggestions. John mentioned another issue we have is that the board of advisors has no oversight. John stated next year the bylaws and oversight issues have to be taken up and resolved. John also gives update on conference and Leslie will go through numbers from the conference during her treasurer’s report.
Treasurer Report - November 9, 2022
Prepared by: Leslie Lutz
Workshop account ending in 32: $92,928.41
Con account ending in 40: $18,261.48
Paypal account: $1,260.12
CD: $10,457.59
Total: $122,907.60
Membership income in October (Authorize.net): $1010
Membership income in October (Paypal): $220
Total membership in October: $1,230
*Note: a few small expenses are still coming in, so this report will change. Those expenses are less than $2500
Rollover tickets from 2020 and 2021- gross: $27,746
DFWCon tickets purchased in 2022 - gross: $76,066
Total DFWCon22 tickets purchased: $103,812
Vendor tables: $2,147
Extra pitch sales: $5,456
Gross Total revenue: $111,415
Refunds, 2022: $14,285
Refunds, 2020-2021: $2,852
Total refunds: $17,137
Net Revenue (minus refunds): $94,278
Sched: $799
Reimbursement for previous con director (multiple cons): $1335
Travel, lodging, and speaker expenses: $11,432
Ad and marketing: $1066
Meals and entertainment/food and bev (not HCC): $2216
Supplies from Stickers and Banners): $411
Merchandise $5134
Gifts agents/attendees/door prizes: $978
Supplies: $842
Venue: $49,072
Total expenses: $73,285
Net profit with rollovers: + $20,993
Net profit without rollovers/impact to 2022 cashflow: -$6,753
John states he is working on the budget and has a draft for 2023 (please see attached in minutes). John states there will have to be an increase in membership dues, which has not happened in over two decades. John presented two options: 1. $125/year or $12.50/month with the probability that another increase will be needed in a year. 2. $150/year or $15/month with no increases in the foreseeable future. 3. No increase. Members will be able to vote in the December business meeting.
VP of Outreach Report – Allen Crowley mentioned North Dallas write-ins are Tuesday nights if anyone wants to join. The write-ins are for NanoWrimo. Allen will also be sponsoring one at a Panera Bread. Please reach out with questions.
VP of Membership – Helen provides membership numbers: 158 current members. John asks anyone that has not received a reminder about their dues coming up please reach out to Helen as there have been issues with Nationsbuilder.
VP of Education & Programs – Charlie Hilliard announces the Thanksgiving Potluck for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
VP of Social Media – Brian Tracey asks that if anyone has anything they would like for the Workshop to share on social media please reach out to him via the contact us page on the DFWWW website. Brian will share on all platforms: Twitter, Facebook.
John announces to members that Brooke Fossey will be the Conference Director for DFW Con in 2023.
BJ announces that Carolyn Rae has a presentation on 11/28. Please reach out with questions.
Meeting adjourned: 7:24 PM.
11/09/22 General Meeting
Visitors: 0
New Members: 1
- Beth
Book Reviews: 1
- Carolyn Rae reviewed 3 books
- Steve Manning
Rejections: 0
Submissions: 3
- Steve Manning submitted “The Sandwich Maker”
- John Bartell submitted some poems
- Paola Lastick got an acceptance for a short story
Charlie Hilliard announced that her book is on sale on Amazon.
Allen reminded members to please take any books they want from the table in the kitchen.
Leslie reminded members that she is trying to get rid of PayPal. If there are any members paying through PayPal please reach out to her.
Harry Hall reminded members that he will be presenting on his book “This Use to be Dallas.” Please reach out with questions.
Time adjourned: 7:31 PM
Paola Lastick published 2022-11-09 Officer's Meeting Mintues in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-11-14 12:44:38 -0600
2022-11-09 Officer's Meeting Mintues
Date: 11/09/2022
Time: 6:15 PM
John Bartell, President
Charlie Hilliard, VP of Events and Programs
Brian Tracey, VP of Social Media
Leslie Lutz, Treasurer
Paola Lastick, Secretary
Colin Holmes, Conference Chair
Allan, VP of Outreach
Grant Gargagliano, VP of Infrastructure
Helen Dent, VP of Membership
Sally Hamilton
Alex Martinez
Absent Members:
Grant Gargagliano, VP of Infrastructure
General Housekeeping:
John opens meeting. Looking to discuss membership dues. The books show DFWWW has 160 members. John walked through presentation on expenses and income (please see attached).
Ideas to increase membership was offered by various members. Ideas pros and cons were debated. Ideas such as offering a student member rate, promoting The Workshop at college writing programs. Ideas on how much membership dues should increase by were also discussed and debated. John will present the two options during the business meeting portion of the meeting and members will be asked to vote on the option they prefer in the December meeting.
John announced that Brooke Fossey will be the Director of the DFW Conference in 2023.
Treasurer Report - November 9, 2022
Prepared by: Leslie Lutz
Workshop account ending in 32: $92,928.41
Con account ending in 40: $18,261.48
Paypal account: $1,260.12
CD: $10,457.59
Total: $122,907.60
Membership income in October (Authorize.net): $1010
Membership income in October (Paypal): $220
Total membership in October: $1,230
*Note: a few small expenses are still coming in, so this report will change. Those expenses are less than $2500
Rollover tickets from 2020 and 2021- gross: $27,746
DFWCon tickets purchased in 2022 - gross: $76,066
Total DFWCon22 tickets purchased: $103,812
Vendor tables: $2,147
Extra pitch sales: $5,456
Gross Total revenue: $111,415
Refunds, 2022: $14,285
Refunds, 2020-2021: $2,852
Total refunds: $17,137
Net Revenue (minus refunds): $94,278
Sched: $799
Reimbursement for previous con director (multiple cons): $1335
Travel, lodging, and speaker expenses: $11,432
Ad and marketing: $1066
Meals and entertainment/food and bev (not HCC): $2216
Supplies from Stickers and Banners): $411
Merchandise $5134
Gifts agents/attendees/door prizes: $978
Supplies: $842
Venue: $49,072
Total expenses: $73,285
Net profit with rollovers: + $20,993
Net profit without rollovers/impact to 2022 cashflow: -$6,753
VP of Outreach:
Allan gave findings on the GoDaddy account and stated the two possible options to resolve. He also mentioned Nanowrimo and will present at the business meeting these events.
VP of Events and Programs Report:
Charlie discussed doing a Thanksgiving potluck. Charlie will give details to members at business meeting.
VP of Membership:
Helen reported 158 current members.
John closed meeting with a discussion of looking into the VP of Infrastructure role now that meetings have resumed in person.
Meeting Closed: 6:54 PM
Paola Lastick published 2022-11-02 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-11-14 12:26:56 -0600
2022-11-02 General Meeting Minutes
11/02/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
Conference Chair: Collin Holmes
Officer(s) absent:
John Bartell
Leslie Lutz
Charlie Hilliard
Grant Gargagliano
Members attending: 31
Total Members: 161
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:01 PM
Helen Dent opens meeting as stand-in for John Bartell, President. Helen announces the business meeting will be moved to next Wednesday due to John’s absence tonight.
Guests: 1
- Katie
New Members: 2
- Chris Rame
- Mettew Sternon
Book Reviews: 1
- Lauren Danhof
Rejections: 1
- Shawn Rogers
Submissions: 3
- Shawn Rogers
- Lauren Danhof
- Helen Dent
- Alex Martinez
Carolyn Rae announced that Penguin can’t buy Simon Schuster so there are still places for us to submit and the book she wrote with her nephew will be published on 11/14/22.
Sean Warner announced he met a producer at Austin Film Festival is interested in his book which will be published 11/23/22.
Allen Crowly announced that he has brought books for anyone to take if interested.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM
Paola Lastick published 2022-10-05-General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-10-30 22:59:37 -0500
2022-10-05-General Meeting Minutes
10/05/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
Conference Chair: Collin Holmes
Officer(s) absent: 26 (Meeting at alternate location due to Simons Center Closure)
Members attending: x
Total Members: 161
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:03 PM
John opens meeting with announcement of incident in school. Simons Center closed. No business meeting due to change in location.
Guests: 1
- Sarah – writes fantasy/YA
New Members: 0
Book Reviews: 0
Rejections: 1
- Dana Swift had a few rejections this week.
Submissions: 1
- Charlie Hilliard
- Sarah got 1st book deal.
- Dana got offer for representation
- Katy Barnett received a full request
- Laruen got cover art for book coming out in August 2023
Charlie Hilliard announced the Halloween spooky reads and asked if anyone interested in decorating to please bring them.
Meeting adjourned at 7:13 PM
Paola Lastick published 2022-10-19-General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-10-30 22:52:40 -0500
2022-10-19-General Meeting Minutes
10/19/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
Conference Chair: Collin Holmes
Officer(s) absent: Charlie Hilliard, Brian Tracey, Allen Crowly
Members attending: 27
Total Members: 160
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:01 PM
John opens meeting.
Guests: 1
- Xavier Chapa – membership terminated. Is attending as guest. Will rejoin soon.
New Members: 1
- Rowan
- Sean Warner
Book Reviews: 0
Rejections: 0
Submissions: 2
- Sean Warner
- John Bartell
- Carolyn Rae
- Alex Martinez
- Rowan
John announces that the Library room smells bad.
Harry Hall announced he was requested to speak as well as be a judge for a dog Halloween costume contest for charity.
Helen Dent made announcement about name badges.
Leslie Lutz announced that attendees to the DFW Con will get a survey. Please look out for it and fill it out in order to have suggestions for improvements.
John said last week talked about Dell passing away. DFWWW donated $100 to charity foundation in obituary. Proposing to change name of Shakespeare room to Dell’s name and took vote. Vote passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM
Paola Lastick published 2022-09-21-General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-10-30 22:43:26 -0500
2022-09-21-General Meeting Minutes
9/21/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
Conference Chair: Collin Holmes
Officer(s) absent: Charlie Hilliard
Members attending: 17 in person/23 on Zoom
Total Members: 168
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:02 PM
John opens the meeting with announcement that tonight is the last hybrid meeting. Going forward all meetings will be in person. Thanks those that helped make hybrid possible.
Guests: 0
New Members: 1
- Mary O’Har
Book Reviews: 0
Rejections: 1
- Kathy Barnett
- Dana Swift
Submissions: 2
- Meredith St John
- Rachel Harmon
- Dana Swift
- Meredith St John
- Alex Martinez
John asks that if any member feels sick to please stay home.
Katy Barnett is writing a play and will be sending the link to buy tickets if interested. Please reach out to her.
Colin Holmes – 2 weeks until conference. Get your tickets now.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM
Paola Lastick published 2022-10-26 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-10-30 22:34:11 -0500
2022-10-26 General Meeting Minutes
10/26/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
Conference Chair: Collin Holmes
Officer(s) absent: Leslie Lutz
Members attending: 39
Total Members: 169
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:05 PM
John opens meeting.
Visitors: 2
- Milly
- Matthew
Rejections: 1
- JB Sanders
Submissions: 1
- John Bartell
Charlie’s poetry book available digitally on December 1, 2022.
Helen Dent made announcement about name badges. Please check the wooden box to see if your name tag is in there. If you do not have a name tag sign up to receive one on the form.
Allan announced NanoWrimo
Meeting Adjourns at 7:11 PM
Paola Lastick published Proposals for Zoom options in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-09-15 14:09:53 -0500
Proposals for Zoom options
Zoom Workshop Proposal (Presented by Charlie Hilliard)
Straight to the Point: Please allow us (the ones willing to put together and host this) 1-3
months to hold zoom meetings still within the workshop. We hope with this trial period we will be
able to document what worked and what didn’t as well as adjust and change the zoom option as
The Workshop has been successful for over 40 years as an in-person read and critique, and
many people love that and don’t want it to change. This proposal is not meant to change
anything about the in-person Workshop. It’s meant to add to an already successful model. There
are many reasons (in addition to geography) why a writer would not be able to attend in person,
or what an in-person read and critique aren’t helpful for them the way it is for so many of us. The
Workshop’s motto is writers helping writers, and utilizing technology that wasn’t available when
the Workshop was founded 40 years ago is the next step towards achieving that mission for our
writing community.
Workshop Members willing to host and/or people interested in supporting Zoom include:
1. Desiree Patton
2. Paola Lastick
3. Charlie Hilliard
4. David Morring
5. Kendall Furlong
6. Lauren Danhof
7. Dana Swift
8. Kelsey Eggebrecht
Many of the Workshop Members who are interested in helping with an online option, will also
be attending in person. The goal is for the Membership to be able to utilize whichever option works
for them that week.
An online meeting subcommittee would be formed from the interested Members, so it would
be self-sufficient in terms of organization. Each month a member of the committee would report to
the officers during the monthly meeting as well as present to the workshop during the business
Meeting Structure
1. Just like the workshop, the meeting will meet on Wednesday nights at 7 pm CST. In each
meeting, we would ask the same questions of those who come.
a. Is anyone a visitor?
b. New members?
c. Has anyone left a book review?
d. Any rejections?
e. How about submissions?
f. Does anyone have any acceptances?
g. Announcements?
i. Separately from the workshop, announcements will be a week delayed.
1. In-person meeting announcements will be announced online a
week later. Same with zoom-only the announcements will be
delayed one week.Attendance will determine the necessity for how many monitors just like it would in regular
workshops. Hosts may be the monitor for the zoom, and because of the amount of hosts this
would essentially be guaranteeing that person is a monitor once every 2-3 months.
LogisticsThe hosts will alternate weeks that way they can still attend in person when they would like. This
will also divy the responsibility. Unlike Hybrid, the zoom-only group will be the ones to benefit
and be responsible for this new zoom-only group.The read list will be made the same way the poetry is made where there is a sign-up for zoom
and a sign-up for in-person. This will create two separate read lists for the different rooms and
turns a 4-minute process into a 6-minute process.1. For the read list, the Infrastructure Vice President will create an event for zoom-only and
an event for regular in-person.
2. The VP will download the cvs file of current members.
3. To make the in-person read list the VP will download the RSVP list cvs for in-person.
4. Then the VP will make the read list and save the file with a different name.
5. To make the zoom-only read list the VP will download the RSVP list cvs for zoom-only.
6. The zoom-only list will be emailed via a shared spreadsheet to all of the hosts so that the
schedule for hosts will not need to be memorized.
7. The in-person list will be emailed to the President and officers per usual.The zoom email will be:
Thank you for RSVPing for the DFW Writers' Workshop weekly read and critique meeting,
starting at 7 pm. This confirmation is for members who sign up for zoom:
To join us online, log into Zoom, select join and enter the meeting ID: 190974803
Or click this URL: https://zoom.us/j/190974803
Please do not join the meeting before 6:45 pm.
If you haven't already, please sign up for a free Zoom Video Conferencing account using the
same email address you used to sign up for the DFW Writers' Workshop website. This will help
facilitate assigning members to the video conference breakout rooms for read and critique.If you need to update or cancel your RSVP, use this link:
d7233Benefits of Membership Dues
1. Online Members would still be Members of the Workshop just like any other Member,
with all the benefits any Member has. And just as any Member who usually attends in
person would have the option to attend Online, Online Members can choose to attend in
person as well.
2. Even as a zoom-only member, the membership will still have a $100 discount on
3. Include the option of going in person whenever they would like.
4. Would still have the ability to vote if the above discussion forum is accepted.
5. Zoom-only members would still have a way to promote themselves in both the
zoom-only meeting and the delayed announcements in the in-person meetings.
6. Zoom-only members would still have easy access to information on upcoming writer’s
blocs as well as events.
7. Zoom members are also able to be on the website and be listed as published authors
should they have books.Benefits of Zoom-Only in General
1. Prior members who moved or cannot attend in person for other reasons will have a way
to return to the Workshop.
2. DFW boasts of having the most diverse zip code in the United States. It would be
counter-intuitive to no longer allow such diverse members once they leave the area.
Allowing zoom would be a benefit that would allow prior members to return, decrease the
able-ist nature of in-person only, as well as allow our diversity to continue which would
only increase the benefit of the workshop.
3. DFWCon has been attended internationally. Having a zoom-only platform would allow
more individuals to learn of the Conference and join, which will provide more revenue to
the workshop. Additionally, individuals who travel for the Conference will have a way to
become members rather than having a one-night-stand with our organization.Concerns that should be addressed:
1. The DFW Writer’s workshop is named after the fact that it is in the DFW area. Would
having a zoom addition to the workshop detract from the workshop because it would
service outside of the DFW area?
a. Our motto is writers helping writers. We’ve never required residency within a
certain area as long as I’ve been here so unless this does become something we
start doing, I believe zoom still adheres to the fellowship of writers.
2. Zoom will create a separate culture that will not be the same as in-person.
a. Currently, the workshop already has subcultures which I do not believe detracts
from the experience. An example could be people who attend iHop and people
who choose not to.i. Zoom would be similar. Anyone can go if they want to. There is no
monetary restraint and this is offered alongside the workshop.1. Additionally, zoom will have many members we’ve already
enjoyed our time with for years. How could the culture be
considered a ‘versus’ when it’s the workshop? Zoom and
in-person would be doing the same things while utilizing different
tools of doing it.What does Success Look Like?
If we follow this proposal it is sufficient to say that there needs to be some measurement of what
counts as successful. These are my proposed measurements of success:
Within the three-month time period:1. An average of 10 people attend zoom each week (to justify the need for it).
2. No lapse in hosts or volunteers willing to run and/or assist the meetings.
3. Membership dues of the number of people attending remotely should exceed any costs
incurred by the workshop for the Zoom (pro-rated to the 3-month trial period) so that the
online option is financially self-sufficient.
a. Self-sufficient, self-funded, self-sustainingPersonal goals:
1. To see an increase in membership because of the zoom option.
2. Create a new way to retain our more experienced members as well as encourage prior
members to return.
$319.59 zoomKim's Proposal for Zoom Workshop Meeting:
Outline Proposal for Online Writer's Workshop Cooperative
Kimberly Moravec26 Aug. 2022
The aim of this proposal is to create a workshop that retains the benefits of Zoom access some members
of DFWWW enjoyed during the pandemic without placing undue burden on the original DFWWW so
that the Workshop can continue with the benefits and culture of in-person meetings.
The proposal is for a sister group Online Writer's Workshop Cooperative (OWWC), separate fromDFWWW but associated in culture and activities. It would be open to both members of DFWWW and
the public.The meetings would be run like the current Zoom meetings are now, with online sign-up and breakaway
rooms. The critique would strictly follow DFWWW rules.
The time of the meetings would not be at the same time as DFWWW so that people could belong to
both groups, and members in different time zones could participate.
OWWC would ask for a setup grant from DFWWW to cover the costs of a commercial Zoom account for
a year (approx. $300?), website and payment platform ($200-$300?), a small marketing budget, and
possibly events that we might want to hold. An initial ballpark figure might be $500-$1000, although
this is a really rough estimate, and there may be factors that will drive costs up or down.Once member numbers are known after a year, the cooperative members of OWWC would split the
costs for continued running. For example, with 25 members and $500 budget for continued online
presence, this would be something reasonably nominal ($20/year).
An additional option for continued support from DFWWW is a joint DFWWW/OWWC membership, e.g.,
members of both OWWC and DFWWW could have their annual OWWC dues paid out of their DFWWW
fees, so that additional membership in OWWC would not lead to additional cost. This would maintain
the association of the two organizations without the need for there to be additional financial overhead
(other than one annual payment from DFWWW to OWWC) or any additional legal association.
Finally, DFWWW can also help out through marketing, online presence, and expertise. The DFWWW
website has incredible Google search rank results. If the Workshop can help advertise OWWC on the
home page, this will be and enormous help. In addition, any expertise that members have, if they could
help with the setup, would be extremely valuable
Paola Lastick published 2022-09-14 General Meeting Minutes in Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-09-15 12:54:15 -0500
2022-09-14 General Meeting Minutes
9/14/22 DFW Writer’s Workshop
General Meeting Minutes
President: John Bartell
Vice President of Membership: Helen Dent
Vice President of Events and Programs: Charlie Hilliard
Treasurer: Leslie Lutz
Secretary: Paola Lastick
Vice President of Community Outreach: Allen Crowly
Vice President of Digital Media: Brian Tracey
Infrastructure: Grant Gargagliano
Conference Chair: Collin Holmes
Officer(s) absent: Leslie Lutz
Members attending: 32
Total Members: 171
Time Meeting called to Order: 7:02 PM
John opens the meeting. We are still monitoring COVID numbers. If anyone feels sick, even if it’s not COVID, please stay home.
Guests: 0
New Members: 1
- Graham Powell
Book Reviews:
- Grant Gargagliano reviewed “Thunder Road”
Rejections: 1
- Charlie Hilliard
Submissions: 1
- Charlie Hilliard
Acceptance: 1
- Grant Gargagliano had a short story accepted in his school’s literary magazine (Script) and was selected as Best of Fiction.
John Bartell said we are still watching COVID numbers to make sure it’s safe to meet in person.
Charlie announced that the online-only workshop is getting set up and she is working with Kim to finalize all the details. There is a signup sheet at the front if anyone wants to put their name down as interested in attending. Charlie also announced that she has a blog she is looking for contributors for. Please reach out to Charlie directly if interested.
Colin Holmes made announcements about the DFWCon and mentioned the Friday night party open to Workshop members and agents only. Please sign up and visit the website often for updated agent/speaker information.
Paola Lastick announced she is the new co-editor of her MFA program’s literary magazine and they are open for submissions. Please reach out to Paola if interested in contributing short stories, essays, poems, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM
Meeting adjourned: 7:22 PM
Paola Lastick
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