"The Secrets of Smart Querying" presented by TEX THOMPSON and BROOKE FOSSEY
You've logged thousands of hours on your manuscript. Spent years learning the craft of writing. Now you're finally ready to land your dream agent and score that book deal. So why does it suddenly feel like you're starting from zero?
The truth is, submitting to agents and publishers is an art form all its own — and learning to package, summarize, and market your book is an essential skill for every professional writer. In this interactive, high-energy workshop, you'll learn:
- Tips for researching agents and publishers
- How to write a query letter
- Tools for tracking your queries
- Submission strategies
- The art of interpreting agent and editor feedback
- How to handle revisions and exclusives
Bring your query letter if you have one, and all your burning questions!
Cost: $25 WGT Members / $35 non-members
For more information and to pay online, visit the Writers Guild of Texas website.
October 15, 2016 at 9:00am - 12pm
Richardson Civic Center
411 W Arapaho Rd
Richardson, TX 75080
United States
Google map and directions
411 W Arapaho Rd
Richardson, TX 75080
United States
Google map and directions
David Douglas
$35.00 USD
· Purchase tickets