The DFW Teen Writers’ Workshop is open to teens between the ages of 13-17. Sessions begin on June 18th and run through July 30th (no session on July 2nd for the Fourth of July holiday).
This isn’t just some summer writing program. We’ll cover the basics of story, conflict, character, and voice, but you’ll be getting it from authors like:
A. Lee Martinez – author of Gil’s All Fright Diner, In the Company of Ogres, A Nameless Witch, The Automatic Detective, Too Many Curses, Monster, and Divine Misfortune. His next novel, Chasing the Moon, will be released on May 25th.
Candy Havens – author of Charmed & Dangerous, Charmed & Ready, Charmed & Deadly, Like A Charm, The Demon King and I, and Dragons Prefer Blondes, and the biography Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy. She is one of the nation's leading entertainment journalists. Her entertainment columns can be read in more than 600 newspapers across the country.
Jenny Martin – writer of young adult novels, represented by Sara Crowe at Harvey Klinger Agency. She has taught classes on writing at the DFW Writers' Conference. She has contributed her writing know-how to industry blogs, and is a member of the ALA, TLA, and AASL.
Rosemary Clement-Moore – author of the Maggie Quinn: Girl vs. Evil series, Prom Dates from Hell, Hell Week, and Highway to Hell; and The Splendor Falls. Her next novel, Texas Gothic, will be released July 12.
Qualifications? You want to write. Application? Email us your interest. Price of admission? Free.
Space is limited, so hurry up and get ready to write.
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