The May 5th business meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop was short, but contained much good news.
In official business, historian Stephen Manning announced the winner of the 2009 Barbara Wilson Memorial Award for the most published short works. Longtime member Chris Moore took the honors. Stephen also displayed the newest donation to the Trophy Room, Kenneth Ingles' novel Cross the Styx. That brings the total to 297 traditionally published books by DFWWW members. President Russell Connor reminded everyone that a celebration will be held once the landmark number of 300 is reached.
In other news, agent Paul Lavine requested Susan Clark's full manuscript, and George Goldwaithe had requests from agents Terry Burns and Josh Getzler.
In official business, historian Stephen Manning announced the winner of the 2009 Barbara Wilson Memorial Award for the most published short works. Longtime member Chris Moore took the honors. Stephen also displayed the newest donation to the Trophy Room, Kenneth Ingles' novel Cross the Styx. That brings the total to 297 traditionally published books by DFWWW members. President Russell Connor reminded everyone that a celebration will be held once the landmark number of 300 is reached.
In other news, agent Paul Lavine requested Susan Clark's full manuscript, and George Goldwaithe had requests from agents Terry Burns and Josh Getzler.
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