Here's an opportunity to build that writing resume. A chance to pad those few lines which you're allowed inside the query letter. A possible occasion to gloat.
The Columbus Creative Cooperative is offering a novel competition. Dust off those finished manuscripts. Even the one you're currently querying is fair game. Have it reviewed by Harvey Klinger's team of judges and see how you stack up against other unpublished novelogists.
It's $40 to enter with a grand prize of a publishing contract with Columbus Press or a $1,000 cash. The runner-up will receive a free publishing consultation to help improve the manuscript.
They're only accept 200 submission to the contest, and we say those odds aren't too shabby.
Make sure to click the picture to enter before January 31st.
The Columbus Creative Cooperative is offering a novel competition. Dust off those finished manuscripts. Even the one you're currently querying is fair game. Have it reviewed by Harvey Klinger's team of judges and see how you stack up against other unpublished novelogists.
It's $40 to enter with a grand prize of a publishing contract with Columbus Press or a $1,000 cash. The runner-up will receive a free publishing consultation to help improve the manuscript.
They're only accept 200 submission to the contest, and we say those odds aren't too shabby.
Make sure to click the picture to enter before January 31st.
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