TeCo Theatrical Productions, Inc. announces the second installment of its 2015-2016 speaker series, From Page to Screen with Victor McGlothin, a lecture and book signing event featuring 13-time bestselling author and filmmaker, Victor McGlothin. He will speak about his journey overcoming poor reading skills as a student to the successful author and filmmaker he became.
As a National Bestselling Author who almost lost a college athletic scholarship due to poor reading skills, McGlothin ultimately overcame that obstacle and completed a Master’s Degree in Human Relations and Business, published 14 books and produced three films. On April 19, 2016 McGlothin’s most recent film production, Texas Voodoo Zombies, will make history as the first black zombie film since the 1970’s. He is currently producing two TV series pilots to promote local acting talent in Dallas, where he lives with his wife and sons.
McGlothin’s most sought after titles include The Secrets of Newberry, where he explores the themes of race in 1955 New Orleans via the spirited capers of his two protagonists, cat burglars Bones Arcineaux and Hampton Bynote; and his long-awaited new release, Schemers, a game of high stakes pay-to-play where con-artists seduce wealthy, unsuspecting women in major metropolitan cities.
The lecture will take place on April 9, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. at the Bishop Arts Theatre Center, 215 South Tyler Street, Dallas, TX 75208. Tickets are $18 - $28 and can be purchased by calling the box office at (214) 948-0716 or visiting the website at www.bishopartstheatre.org.