Elections, Agent Requests & Wedding Plans Fill Workshop News

Election fever struck DFWWW during the January 6 business meeting as the 2010 Board of Directors was selected. They are:

Russell C. Connor, President

A. Lee Martinez, First Vice President

Carolyn Williamson, Second Vice President

Fred Campos, Treasurer

Kyle White, Secretary

Nik Holman, Director

Larry Enmon, Director

In other news, Jenny Martin received a full manuscript request from literary agent Robert Astle for her Young Adult novel Holy, Texas. Mike McMullen submitted his non-fiction book, I, Superhero, to his publisher Kensington Books. Pat HaulĀ­dren was a guest writer on the website Marketing Tips for Authors, and noted that her blog entry received the highest ever traffic for the site.

Finally, longtime member and fantasy author A. Lee Martinez announced his engagement to fellow Workshop member Sally Hamilton. Their wedding is tentatively planned for October. Congratulations to the both of you.

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