Registration opens for 2011 DFW Writers' Conference! Save your spot now!

The 2010 DFW Writers Conference has sold out two months in advance of the event. In response to this overwhelming demand, the DFW Writers' Workshop has decided to open registration early for the next installment, which takes place Feb. 26 & 27, 2011 at the American Airlines Training and Convention Center in Fort Worth.

We're moving up to a bigger venue so we can accommodate higher attendance. The AATCC is a fantastic facility, complete with a tavern, fitness center, lounge and hotel rooms all right there in the center. For more details, check out its web site.

Planning for 2011 is already well underway. We'll have more than 10 literary agents, a great keynote and an impressive lineup of speakers once again! In the meantime, if you want to reserve your space and get to the front of the line for a consultation with an agent, you can register now.

2010 DFW Writers' Conference Sells Out

It's official. The 2010 DFW Writers' Conference has sold out. The response to the event has been overwhelming, as registrations poured in during the last few weeks. This includes space for vendors, which also sold out.

Missed the excitement? The next DFW Writers' Conference will be held February 26 -27, 2011. More to come later on that event.

Only 12 spaces left at DFW Writers' Conference, April 10 & 11! Last chance to register!

We’re thrilled to announce that the 2010 DFW Writers’ Conference is about to sell out! The event facility has a maximum capacity of 300 people, and as of 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 11, we have only 12 spaces left. That means this is your last chance to register and request a one-on-one pitch session with a literary agent! At the rate tickets are selling, we expect to sell out within the next few days.

The conference features New York Times bestselling author Jodi Thomas as keynote speaker. There will be 10 literary agents in attendance, and more than 40 classes to choose from. It’s going to be a fantastic and memorable event! Will you be there?

For more information and to register, please visit the conference web site.

Two Literary Agents Are Full; Seats at DFW Writers' Conference Selling Fast

All you procrastinators have been warned and it's finally happened: there are less than 40 seats left at the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference. Once those are full, the Conference will close registration. This is for real, since the Conference Center limits the number of people who can be inside the building.

Also, as of today, appointments with literary agents Joshua Bilmes and Lucienne Diver are no longer available. They are both full and are unable to accommodate any more appointment requests. With several of the other agents approaching a full status, it's important to secure your spot today.

DFW Writers' Conference Almost Sells Out. Register Today Before it's too Late

Excitement ran high at the February 3 business meeting. In recognition of his years of service to the Workshop, Del Cain was granted a lifetime membership. Del accepted the honor with his usual poet's grace.

In other news, because of her steamy romance novels the Fort Worth Star-Telegram called Candace Havens a person to watch. Jason Myers' was named as a finalist in a competition called Genre Wars. His short story, titled "A Reply", will be included in an upcoming anthology. Pat Hauldren displayed a published edition of a book she copyedited for Cyberwizard Productions. And DFWWW welcomed two new members.

Finally, as a testament to the power of social media, Twitter, FaceBook and blogs were abuzz this past weekend, and the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference almost sold out. If you've been sitting on the fence, now is the time to register, before all of the seats are gone.

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