Another Successful DFW Writers' Conference

With more than 400 atten­dees, 50+ classes, 15 lite­rary agents, two editors and one publisher, the 2011 DFW Wri­ters’ Con­fe­rence was another suc­cess­ful year.

During the March 2 mee­ting of the Workshop, the group than­ked co-chairs Jeff Posey and Jason Myers for their hard work. Also recognized were the mul­ti­tude of class­room moni­tors, agent wran­glers, and other volun­teers who helped to make the event a success.

Spea­king of suc­ces­ses, the follo­wing DFWWW mem­bers had full or par­tial manuscript requests from:

  • Agent Adam Friedstein - Larry Enmon, Troy D. Young, Jennifer Duggins, Daryle McGinnis, Richard Young, Brannon Burnley, Tony Skur, Pamela Skjolsvik, Emily Hildebrand, Robert OHaugherty

  • Agent Amy Boggs - Jennifer Duggins, Kyle White, Steve Manning, Jimmie Kepler, Brannon Burnley, Tina Britt, Kate Cornell, George Goldthwaite, Paul Lamarre

  • Agent Chelsea Lindman - Larry Enmon, Troy D. Young, Jennifer Duggins, David S. Alkek,MD, Kirk von der Heydt

  • Agent Cherry Weiner - Steve Brooks, Sarah A. Wagner, George Goldthwaite, Jason Myers

  • Agent Dawn Frederick - Kirk von der Heydt, Brenna Smith

  • Agent Elana Roth - Jennifer Duggins, Kirk von der Heydt, Steve Manning

  • Agent Jessica Sinsheimer - Larry Enmon, Troy D. Young, Brenna Smith, James Carroll

  • Agent Jim McCarthy - Carolyn Williamson, Kirk von der Heydt, Jennie Whittington, Donna Lasko

  • Agent Kate McKean - Kim Terry, Jane Sadek, Barbara Wilson, Susan Welch

  • Agent Louise Fury - Casie Samuel, Jennifer Duggins, Glenda Vosburgh David S. Alkek,MD, Kirk von der Heydt, Steve Manning, Brannon Burnley, Katy Roberts, Brenna Smith, Chad Kallauner, Ron Biddle, Kate Cornell, George Goldthwaite, Jason Myers, Donna Lasko, Carmen Goldthwaite

  • Agent Marisa Corvisiero - Larry Enmon, Susan Lautz, John Keith, Robert O'Haugherty, Kyle White, Brenna Smith, Jennie Whittington, John Sanders

  • Agent Dr Uwe Stender - Michelle O'Neal, Steve Manning, Emily Hildebrand

  • Agent Weronika Janczuk - Larry Enmon, Samantha Leach, Kirk von der Heydt, Jerry Wood, Steve Manning, David Wampach, Brenna Smith, James Carroll, Emily Hildebrand, George Goldthwaite, Jason Myers, Carmen Goldthwaite

  • Editor Faith Black - Jennifer Duggins, David S. Alkek,MD, Carolyn Williamson, George Goldthwaite

  • Editor Sharene Martin-Brown - Rusty Falling, Robert O'Haugherty

  • Publisher Robert Brown - Larry Enmon, Steve Brooks, Daryle McGinnis, Jim Goldmann, Steve Manning, Ron Biddle

Also, Tom Gensler announced that he signed during the conference with agent Cherry Weiner. Russell Connor stated one of the agents referred him directly to an editor at St. Martin's Press. That editor requested Russell's full manuscript.

In business news, the Workshop voted unanimously to make Stephen Manning a lifetime member. This award is granted to members who have been with DFWWW for over five years. However, more important, the award is given only to members who consistently volunteer their time to serve on the Board, work on the conference, or step up whenever there is a need.  Stephen is the epitome of a truly selfless volunteer.

In other news, Kenneth Ingle signed a contract for two new books, and advised that Books in Motion has released an iPod edition of his works. Nik Holman is a top 1000 finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest. Jenny Martin reports that Rosemary Clement-Moore is doing better. She became ill at the conference and had to be rushed to a hospital. Get better soon, Rosemary.

Finally, Jason Myers read a letter from agent Louise Fury praising the Workshop for a well-run conference. She stated the publishing community in New York was still abuzz about the energy surrounding the event, and how well the agents and editors were treated by the friendly folks at DFWWW.

Now, that's praise all Workshop members should be honored to accept.

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