Announcements 7/27
Del Cain has a book signing on September 10th from 1-3pm at the Fort Worth Barnes & Noble on University Drive
Rosemary Clement-Moore has a book signing on August 6th from 2-4pm at the Hurst Barnes & Noble
Jason Meyers announced the Keynote Speaker for the 2012 DFW Writers Conference…. James Rollins! Check out his website at
Announcements June 15
The pilot episode of Workshop is available on YouTube. Laugh, cry, stay tuned for the next episode...Part 1 and Part 2. Workshop was created by Nik Holman and Russell Connor.
Ken Ingle's First Contact has generated some film interest, and he has found a screenwriter for the project.
Rosemary Clement-Moore has a book signing for Texas Gothic on July 16th at the Barnes and Noble in Arlington from 1-3pm.
The DFW Teen Writers' Workshop started on June 18th and will be held on Saturday from 1-3pm until July 30 (no session on July 2). If you are interested in volunteering as a monitor or critiquer, all help is welcome. Also, don't forget to spread the word. More attendees are always welcome. Email us here for registration, questions, or interest.
More information is available here.
Texas Gothic in Kirkus

Texas Gothic is available on July 12, 2011.
Read the review here.
Election Results, a Book Release & Social Networking Start the New Year
It was a change of the guard at the January 5 meeting of the Workshop (well, almost, two members of the former Board ran for re-election) as a new Board of Directors was seated. They are:
Donna Lasko, President
Carolyn Williamson, 1st Vice President
Kate Cornell, 2nd Vice President
Paul Lamarre, Treasurer
Kyle White, Secretary
Ron Soule, Director
David Whiteman, Director
Former President Stephen Manning presented outgoing President Russell Connor with a plaque to commemorate his two years of service. Russell gave gift cards to the 2010 Board in recognition of their service; and to Harry Hall for opening the building each week, Eric Dixon for consistently volunteering to monitor a read-and-critique session, and to Chris Moore for serving on the 2009 Board.
In other news, Kate Cornell advised that she now handles the social networking for DFWWW. People can stay current about Workshop events on Twitter, or our Facebook fan page. Rosemary Clement Moore announced the release of her Young Adult novel The Splendor Falls on January 11 in paperback. Larry Enmon cautioned that only five spots remain for agent assistant volunteers. Interested members should see him to sign up now. Jeff Posey warned that the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference is fast approaching and people should register today before it's too late. Finally, please keep member Michelle O'neal in your thoughts as she fights a life threatening medical condition.
Birthdays, Movie Options & Overdue Library Books
In the news, A. Lee Martinez received payment for the movie option of his recent novel Divine Misfortune. Rosemary Clement-Moore displayed the paperback edition of her Young Adult book, The Splendor Falls, with its stylish new cover. Her copies arrived during a special time (happy birthday, Rosemary), and the book is scheduled to be in bookstores on January 11.
In other news, Jeri Burbage reminded everyone the election for the 2011 Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, January 5. To be eligible to vote, members must have paid their 2010-2011 fiscal year dues and have attended at least three of the five business meetings prior to the election. Carolyn Williamson again advised that overdue library books need to be returned before year's end. Larry Enmon issued a second call for volunteers to assist the agents and editors during the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference.
YES! The Trophy Room Will Keep Growing. Three DFWWW Authors Sell Books
It seemed as if the news and announcements would never end. Candace Havens delivered her newest book, Turn and Dare, to Harlequin. A. Lee Martinez' newest novel, Catching the Moon, was accepted by Orbit. Delacorte accepted Rosemary Clement-Moore's newest work, Texas Gothic, and the book is already available for pre-order at
Del Cain reported a successful event at the Saginaw Public Library last week. Russell Connor and A. Lee Martinez appeared, along with Rosemary Clement-Moore who was the keynote speaker. This weekend, Rosemary will appear at Readers & 'ritas in Allen, with Candace Havens as the Master of Ceremonies. Also this Saturday, A. Lee Martinez has a book signing at 2 p.m. at the Borders in Burleson.
Finally, President Russell Connor thanked a wide variety of volunteers who unselfishly give of their time each week. Harry Hall who arrives early to set up the building and to make coffee; Eric Dixon who never fails to monitor one of the read-and-critique rooms; former President Stephen Manning who assists the Board in making the hard decisions; and Jeff Posey, Jason Myers and Michelle O'Neal who work on the annual writers' conference.
Thank you everyone who contributes in some way. As a non-profit, all volunteer organization it takes all of us to keep DFWWW functioning.
Members Enjoy Cool Temps & Hot Reads
In the news, A. Lee Martinez displayed the mass-market paperback cover of his newest novel, Devine Misfortunes. An editor with Kingston Publishers requested Kirk von der Heydt's full manuscript. Kenneth Ingle displayed his recently released fourth book, To Kill a Thief. Rosemary Clement-Moore has a book signing this Saturday, October 16, at 11 a.m. at the Weekend Reader Book Shop in Balch Springs.
In other news, President Russell Connor reminded everyone to bring yummy treats on October 27 to celebrate the 300 traditionally published books written by DFWWW authors. Michelle O'Neal invited everyone to visit the newly updated website for the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference. With a full list of agents and editors, and an impressive lineup of speakers, the conference is shaping up to be an event you don't want to miss.
A Busy News Night Full of Contest Finalists, Westerns & Dead Robots
In a busy news night, A. Lee Martinez was interviewed by The Dead Robot Society Podcast about his series of fantasy novels. Richard Young's book-length manuscript, American Health Scare, is a top 20 finalist in a contest sponsored by The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference. Harry Hall's short non-fiction narrative, "Michael Hylands Marathon Victory over Cystic Fibrosis" is also a finalist in the same contest, but in a different category. Books in Motion purchased George Goldwaithe's newest novel, Bugles and Bagpipes. Also, George attended the Western Writers' of America Convention where three different agents requested manuscript submissions. Rosemary Clement-Moore stated that the hardcover edition of her newest book, The Splendor Falls, has gone into its second printing. Additionally, Rosemary will speak on Thursday, July 8 at 2 p.m. at the Haslet Public Library.
Finally, Russell Conner reminded members that next week, Wednesday, July 7, is the final vote on the proposed amendments to the Workshop Bylaws.
A Two-Book Deal, an Agent Request and a Contest Winner Fill the News
Leading the pack, Rosemary Clement-Moore announced she's signed a two-book deal with her publisher, Random House. Jason Myers received a partial request for his manuscript, Mayhem Inc., from literary agent Robert Thixton. Merris Doud won second place in the Brazos Writers' Writing Contest in the category of memoir / personal essay. Writer's Digest has contracted with Kyle White to write a feature-length article on the use of social networking to land an agent or secure a book deal.
Finally, members were reminded of the vote to be held on Wednesday, July 7 to amend the Workshop's Bylaws. Also, Larry Enmon encouraged new members to pick up a copy of a pamphlet titled 20 Hints for Workshop Critiques for an upcoming class on the subject.
DFWWW Goes International with Foreign Book Rights & a Conference Attendee from Across the Pond
In official news, Russell Connor reminded members of the proposed amendments to the By-laws, with the vote to be held during the July business meeting. The proposals are posted on the bulletin board for all to review.
In other news, literary agent Sara Megibow requested a partial of Carolyn William's manuscript, Love on the Run. Rosemary Clement-Moore sold the Portuguese rights to her Maggie Quinn: Girl vs. Evil series of Young Adult novels. Additionally, Rosemary will speak this Saturday, June 19, during a meeting of the North Texas chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators in Arlington.
Finally, Stephen Manning announced that the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference has gone international with the registration of an attendee from the country of England. Everyone is excited by how the conference's reputation has grown in only three years of existence.