The Weather Might Be Frightful, But The Reads Were Delightful
Many dedicated writers braved a cold winter night to attend the December 9 meeting of DFWWW, which proves that no hardship can keep good authors down.
Perry Curtis Bales announced that publisher Books in Motion requested the full manuscript of his Western novel Gunfighter's Star. Rosemary Clement-Moore submitted her newest novel, tentatively titled Texas Gothic, to her publisher Delacorte. Michelle O'Neal broke into the national magazine market when her article "Testing, Testing: Understanding Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing" appeared in the winter issue of MADDvocate.
Attendees were reminded that 2010 membership dues must be paid in order to vote in the Board of Directors election in January, or to participate in read and critique sessions next year. Two reference books aimed toward writers of children's and Young Adult literature were added to the Workshop's extensive library and are available to be loaned.
Finally, in conference news, it was announced that retailer Books-A-Million has agreed to run the official bookstore at the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference. As an added bonus, all registered conference attendees will receive a 20% discount on purchases of any Books-A-Million merchandise present at the conference center.
Perry Curtis Bales announced that publisher Books in Motion requested the full manuscript of his Western novel Gunfighter's Star. Rosemary Clement-Moore submitted her newest novel, tentatively titled Texas Gothic, to her publisher Delacorte. Michelle O'Neal broke into the national magazine market when her article "Testing, Testing: Understanding Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing" appeared in the winter issue of MADDvocate.
Attendees were reminded that 2010 membership dues must be paid in order to vote in the Board of Directors election in January, or to participate in read and critique sessions next year. Two reference books aimed toward writers of children's and Young Adult literature were added to the Workshop's extensive library and are available to be loaned.
Finally, in conference news, it was announced that retailer Books-A-Million has agreed to run the official bookstore at the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference. As an added bonus, all registered conference attendees will receive a 20% discount on purchases of any Books-A-Million merchandise present at the conference center.
Trophy Room Receives 294th Traditionally Published Book by a Workshop Member
The final business meeting of the year saw a large crowd at the Workshop. Nominations for the 2010 Board of Directors closed with elections to be held in January. Submissions for the Barbara Wilson Award to honor writers of articles and shorter works opened with a March 3 deadline. Finally, George Goldthwaite's audio book From Youth to Vengeance became the 294th title donated to the collection of traditionally published books by Workshop members.
In other news, the annual Christmas party will be held December 16. Members are encouraged to bring a potluck dish. Stephen Manning will teach classes on social media as part of TCU's continuing education courses next year. The 2010 DFW Writers' Conference committee extended an offer to pay a $50 finder's fee to any Workshop member who secures an exhibitor for next year's event.
In other news, the annual Christmas party will be held December 16. Members are encouraged to bring a potluck dish. Stephen Manning will teach classes on social media as part of TCU's continuing education courses next year. The 2010 DFW Writers' Conference committee extended an offer to pay a $50 finder's fee to any Workshop member who secures an exhibitor for next year's event.
Member Stephen Manning to speak at veterans program Saturday, Nov. 14
Stephen Manning will be speaking about his experiences interviewing Texas World War II veterans at the Irving Public Library at 2 p.m. this Saturday. This is a great chance to hear some of the incredible stories from his non-fiction books, The Courage of Common Men and Texans Touched by World War II. Manning interviewed veterans and family members around the state of Texas to collect their memories of the war years.
The Irving Pipe and Drum Honor Guard will perform several numbers, and then Manning will speak. Bob Moffatt will also talk about the Irving Memorial Park Commemorative Brick Program.
Refreshments will be served after the program.
Irving Public Library
801 W. Irving Blvd.
Irving, TX 75060
Parking is available on the Irving Boulevard and Rock Island side of the building, as well as in the parking garage underneath the Library.
Books will be available for signing, including the very last available copies from the publisher's warehouse of The Courage of Common Men.
The Irving Pipe and Drum Honor Guard will perform several numbers, and then Manning will speak. Bob Moffatt will also talk about the Irving Memorial Park Commemorative Brick Program.
Refreshments will be served after the program.
Irving Public Library
801 W. Irving Blvd.
Irving, TX 75060
Parking is available on the Irving Boulevard and Rock Island side of the building, as well as in the parking garage underneath the Library.
Books will be available for signing, including the very last available copies from the publisher's warehouse of The Courage of Common Men.
Member George Goldthwaite Releases His First Audio Book
The November 4 business meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop saw another full house. Nominations for the 2010 Board of Directors were opened. Members have until the December business meeting to place their names on the ballot. The election will be held during the January business meeting.
In other news, George Goldthwaite announced the release of his Western novel From Youth to Vengeance by Books in Motion. The work is available on CD's, cassettes, and as a download to various media. Rosemary Clement Moore, along with seven other writers, will speak at the Mansfield Library on November 6 from 7 - 9 p.m. Carmen Goldthwaite stated her essay "Burgers n' Butterflies" was accepted by Chicken Soup for the Soul Thank You Mom to be released next year.
Would you like to make some extra money? Then sign up to be an affiliate of the DFW Writers' Conference and make $10 for each person you refer who registers. This program is open to anyone, not just Workshop members. For the guidelines, visit the affiliate program page.
In other news, George Goldthwaite announced the release of his Western novel From Youth to Vengeance by Books in Motion. The work is available on CD's, cassettes, and as a download to various media. Rosemary Clement Moore, along with seven other writers, will speak at the Mansfield Library on November 6 from 7 - 9 p.m. Carmen Goldthwaite stated her essay "Burgers n' Butterflies" was accepted by Chicken Soup for the Soul Thank You Mom to be released next year.
Would you like to make some extra money? Then sign up to be an affiliate of the DFW Writers' Conference and make $10 for each person you refer who registers. This program is open to anyone, not just Workshop members. For the guidelines, visit the affiliate program page.
Member Jamie Harrington Secures Agent Representation
The October 28 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop was a night of exciting announcements and scary Halloween-themed reads.
Jamie Harrington stated that she has signed a contract with literary agent Victoria Horn of the Lisa Dawson Associates. Jamie's book, Sketch, is a Young Adult superhero novel. Additionally, Mary Malcolm commented that the full manuscript of her romance novel, Texas Billionaire's Runaway Wife, was requested by Melissa Jeglinks of The Knight Agency.
In other news, A. Lee Martinez will speak at the monthly meeting of the Mystery Writers of America - Southwest this Saturday, October 31 at the Texas Land & Cattle restaurant in Richardson, Texas. Workshop members were reminded that nominations for the 2010 Board of Directors opens during the November 4 business meeting. Gabe Guerrero, winner of the Glenn Bavousett Conference Fund, gave a presentation about what he learned at the Bedford Writers' Workshop presented by fantasy author Sarah A. Hoyt.
Finally, several brave souls met in a dark room decorated with plastic skulls, tombstones, and lots of Halloween candy. They read to a glow of a flickering electric candle, and enjoyed this fun holiday tradition at the Workshop.
Jamie Harrington stated that she has signed a contract with literary agent Victoria Horn of the Lisa Dawson Associates. Jamie's book, Sketch, is a Young Adult superhero novel. Additionally, Mary Malcolm commented that the full manuscript of her romance novel, Texas Billionaire's Runaway Wife, was requested by Melissa Jeglinks of The Knight Agency.
In other news, A. Lee Martinez will speak at the monthly meeting of the Mystery Writers of America - Southwest this Saturday, October 31 at the Texas Land & Cattle restaurant in Richardson, Texas. Workshop members were reminded that nominations for the 2010 Board of Directors opens during the November 4 business meeting. Gabe Guerrero, winner of the Glenn Bavousett Conference Fund, gave a presentation about what he learned at the Bedford Writers' Workshop presented by fantasy author Sarah A. Hoyt.
Finally, several brave souls met in a dark room decorated with plastic skulls, tombstones, and lots of Halloween candy. They read to a glow of a flickering electric candle, and enjoyed this fun holiday tradition at the Workshop.
Neither Rain Nor Rejection Will Stop DFWWW Members From Meeting
Several hardy souls braved the chill of a rainy night to attend the October 21 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop. President Russell Connor congratulated members for a coming together to hold a successful "City of Euless Appreciation Celebration" to commemorate DFWWW's twentieth anniversary in the city.
Member Clint Ford announced that he has teamed with illustrator Alec Hanson on a children's book. Kyle White mentioned that he has new horror short stories on the web, one at Sonar4 and one at Bewildering Stories. Speaking of scary tales, members were reminded that during next week's meeting there will be a special room set aside for Halloween-themed reads. Who knows, they might even turn off the lights.
Finally, conference co-chairperson Jeff Posey asked DFWWW members to continue their great efforts toward promoting the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference and Hook 'Em Writing Contest. Appointments with the agents are limited and continue to fill fast, so people were encouraged to register soon.
Member Clint Ford announced that he has teamed with illustrator Alec Hanson on a children's book. Kyle White mentioned that he has new horror short stories on the web, one at Sonar4 and one at Bewildering Stories. Speaking of scary tales, members were reminded that during next week's meeting there will be a special room set aside for Halloween-themed reads. Who knows, they might even turn off the lights.
Finally, conference co-chairperson Jeff Posey asked DFWWW members to continue their great efforts toward promoting the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference and Hook 'Em Writing Contest. Appointments with the agents are limited and continue to fill fast, so people were encouraged to register soon.
Workshop Celebrates 20 Years in Euless, 32 Years of Existence & 292 Books

There was no red carpet at the October 14 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop, but there should have been one. Dignitaries such as the Mayor, City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Parks Director and City Council members joined the Workshop to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of DFWWW meeting in the City of Euless.
President Russell Connor commented that the Workshop has existed for 32 years, 20 of which have been spent in Euless. During that time, DFWWW members have produced 292 traditionally published books. The Ruth Millican Center, home to the Workshop for all 20-years, was packed as everyone enjoyed a good meal to celebrate Euless' support of the arts.
Since DFWWW members are always a busy bunch, there was also plenty of news. Yvonne Isaacs announced the publication of her book Seven Tiny Miracles. R. Douglas Weber, who will be featured in the Discovery Channel program "Hunting for the Lost Symbol", mentioned that the show has been moved to Sunday, October 25. The Burleson Star interviewed Glenn Norton about his work-in-progress, A Knight in Tarnished Armor. A. Lee Martinez commented that he is now a regular contributor at his publisher's website,
Rosemary Clement-Moore has an essay in the book A New Dawn released this month. Candace Havens bragged about the cover of her newest work from Harlequin, Take Me If You Dare, due in February 2010. Both Rosemary and Candace will teach a class at the Mansfield Public Library on November 6 at 7 p.m.

Of course, even with all the festivities the read and critique sessions still happened as planned. The dedicated authors of the DFW Writers' Workshop never take a break from honing their craft.
Upcoming Board of Directors Election Tops Workshop News
During the October business meeting, members of the DFW Writers' Workshop were reminded that nominations for the 2010 Board of Directors will be opened in November. The current occupants of each office described his or her duties.
Other volunteers needed to keep things moving smoothly are: An elections coordinator (see Russell Connor), people to help with the registration desk during the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference (see Alley Hauldren), agent attendants (see Larry Enmon), and classroom monitors (see Carolyn Williamson).
In other news, Alley Hauldren's short story "Catsup" was selected to appear in the editor's choice edition of an upcoming issue of Bewildering Stories. Rosemary Clement-Moore has a book signing for her Young Adult novel, The Splendor Falls, on Saturday, October 10 from 1 p.m to 3 p.m. at the Barnes & Noble store in The Parks Mall. Candace Havens was featured on the front cover of last week's edition of DFW.Com Ink magazine.
Other volunteers needed to keep things moving smoothly are: An elections coordinator (see Russell Connor), people to help with the registration desk during the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference (see Alley Hauldren), agent attendants (see Larry Enmon), and classroom monitors (see Carolyn Williamson).
In other news, Alley Hauldren's short story "Catsup" was selected to appear in the editor's choice edition of an upcoming issue of Bewildering Stories. Rosemary Clement-Moore has a book signing for her Young Adult novel, The Splendor Falls, on Saturday, October 10 from 1 p.m to 3 p.m. at the Barnes & Noble store in The Parks Mall. Candace Havens was featured on the front cover of last week's edition of DFW.Com Ink magazine.
Book Deals & Book Signings Fill Workshop News
September ended with a full house at the DFW Writers' Workshop, but with little news.
A. Lee Martinez signed a new contract with his publisher, Orbit, for two as of yet untitled (and unwritten) novels. Kenneth E. Ingle will sign copies of his work at the North Texas Book & Paper Show at Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall in Fort Worth this Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On the conference front, members were reminded that they still have time to catch the early-bird discount before the price goes up, and the Hook 'Em Writing Contest is open for entries.
A. Lee Martinez signed a new contract with his publisher, Orbit, for two as of yet untitled (and unwritten) novels. Kenneth E. Ingle will sign copies of his work at the North Texas Book & Paper Show at Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall in Fort Worth this Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On the conference front, members were reminded that they still have time to catch the early-bird discount before the price goes up, and the Hook 'Em Writing Contest is open for entries.
Appointments With Some Agents Are Filling Fast; Early Registration for 2010 DFW Writers' Conference Recommended
At the September 23 meeting of the DFW Writers' Workshop, members were advised that appointments with some of the literary agents are starting to fill-up.
For example, authors interested in pitching their books to Joshua Bilmes, Lucienne Diver, or Gina Panettieri had better register now. The slots for all three agents are over a quarter of the way full and going fast. Appointments with many of the other agents are also filling quickly. This is definitely a case where if you snooze, you could lose, so register early to secure your place in line.
Members were also told that the tenth, and final, agent had been named. Mary Kole, who represents children's picture books as well as Middle Grade and Young Adult authors, has been added to the roster. The agents attending the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference are:
Anne Hawkins | John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.
Gina Panettieri | Talcott Notch Literary Services
Joshua Bilmes | JABberwocky Literary Agency
Laurie McLean | Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents
Lucienne Diver | The Knight Agency
Melissa Shultz | Jim Donovan Literary
Paul S. Levine | Paul S. Levine Literary Agency
Victoria Horn | Liza Dawson Associates
Mary Kole | Andrea Brown Literary Agency
In other news, A. Lee Martinez signed the contract for the German rights to his upcoming novel, Divine Misfortune. (Those Germans sure do love his work.) Russell C. Connor has a book signing for his horror novels on October 3 at the Cat and the Candle Bookstore in Lake Whitney from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. during Pioneer Days.
For example, authors interested in pitching their books to Joshua Bilmes, Lucienne Diver, or Gina Panettieri had better register now. The slots for all three agents are over a quarter of the way full and going fast. Appointments with many of the other agents are also filling quickly. This is definitely a case where if you snooze, you could lose, so register early to secure your place in line.
Members were also told that the tenth, and final, agent had been named. Mary Kole, who represents children's picture books as well as Middle Grade and Young Adult authors, has been added to the roster. The agents attending the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference are:
Anne Hawkins | John Hawkins & Associates, Inc.
Gina Panettieri | Talcott Notch Literary Services
Joshua Bilmes | JABberwocky Literary Agency
Laurie McLean | Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents
Lucienne Diver | The Knight Agency
Melissa Shultz | Jim Donovan Literary
Paul S. Levine | Paul S. Levine Literary Agency
Victoria Horn | Liza Dawson Associates
Mary Kole | Andrea Brown Literary Agency
In other news, A. Lee Martinez signed the contract for the German rights to his upcoming novel, Divine Misfortune. (Those Germans sure do love his work.) Russell C. Connor has a book signing for his horror novels on October 3 at the Cat and the Candle Bookstore in Lake Whitney from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. during Pioneer Days.