Conference Kudos Keep Rolling In

Literary agent Cherry Weiner sent the Workshop a nice email about the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference. She asked that her experiences be shared.
I wanted to thank you all for a fantastic conference and a wonderful time. All of you did wonders with your jobs.
Jeff and Jason... a fantastic conference. The workshops, not that I got to any except my own , I had heard were truly informative.
Tom Gensler (Cherry's agent assistant) was something of the 8th wonder. He was absolutely fabulous and did his job above and beyond. I can't say enough about that without having violins start to play.
I can truthfully say that this is one of the best workshops I have gone to and I have been going to them for a long time.
Thank you and know that I would love to come back..... any time you want me.
Another Successful DFW Writers' Conference
During the March 2 meeting of the Workshop, the group thanked co-chairs Jeff Posey and Jason Myers for their hard work. Also recognized were the multitude of classroom monitors, agent wranglers, and other volunteers who helped to make the event a success.
Speaking of successes, the following DFWWW members had full or partial manuscript requests from:
- Agent Adam Friedstein - Larry Enmon, Troy D. Young, Jennifer Duggins, Daryle McGinnis, Richard Young, Brannon Burnley, Tony Skur, Pamela Skjolsvik, Emily Hildebrand, Robert OHaugherty
- Agent Amy Boggs - Jennifer Duggins, Kyle White, Steve Manning, Jimmie Kepler, Brannon Burnley, Tina Britt, Kate Cornell, George Goldthwaite, Paul Lamarre
- Agent Chelsea Lindman - Larry Enmon, Troy D. Young, Jennifer Duggins, David S. Alkek,MD, Kirk von der Heydt
- Agent Cherry Weiner - Steve Brooks, Sarah A. Wagner, George Goldthwaite, Jason Myers
- Agent Dawn Frederick - Kirk von der Heydt, Brenna Smith
- Agent Elana Roth - Jennifer Duggins, Kirk von der Heydt, Steve Manning
- Agent Jessica Sinsheimer - Larry Enmon, Troy D. Young, Brenna Smith, James Carroll
- Agent Jim McCarthy - Carolyn Williamson, Kirk von der Heydt, Jennie Whittington, Donna Lasko
- Agent Kate McKean - Kim Terry, Jane Sadek, Barbara Wilson, Susan Welch
- Agent Louise Fury - Casie Samuel, Jennifer Duggins, Glenda Vosburgh David S. Alkek,MD, Kirk von der Heydt, Steve Manning, Brannon Burnley, Katy Roberts, Brenna Smith, Chad Kallauner, Ron Biddle, Kate Cornell, George Goldthwaite, Jason Myers, Donna Lasko, Carmen Goldthwaite
- Agent Marisa Corvisiero - Larry Enmon, Susan Lautz, John Keith, Robert O'Haugherty, Kyle White, Brenna Smith, Jennie Whittington, John Sanders
- Agent Dr Uwe Stender - Michelle O'Neal, Steve Manning, Emily Hildebrand
- Agent Weronika Janczuk - Larry Enmon, Samantha Leach, Kirk von der Heydt, Jerry Wood, Steve Manning, David Wampach, Brenna Smith, James Carroll, Emily Hildebrand, George Goldthwaite, Jason Myers, Carmen Goldthwaite
- Editor Faith Black - Jennifer Duggins, David S. Alkek,MD, Carolyn Williamson, George Goldthwaite
- Editor Sharene Martin-Brown - Rusty Falling, Robert O'Haugherty
- Publisher Robert Brown - Larry Enmon, Steve Brooks, Daryle McGinnis, Jim Goldmann, Steve Manning, Ron Biddle
Also, Tom Gensler announced that he signed during the conference with agent Cherry Weiner. Russell Connor stated one of the agents referred him directly to an editor at St. Martin's Press. That editor requested Russell's full manuscript.
In business news, the Workshop voted unanimously to make Stephen Manning a lifetime member. This award is granted to members who have been with DFWWW for over five years. However, more important, the award is given only to members who consistently volunteer their time to serve on the Board, work on the conference, or step up whenever there is a need. Stephen is the epitome of a truly selfless volunteer.
In other news, Kenneth Ingle signed a contract for two new books, and advised that Books in Motion has released an iPod edition of his works. Nik Holman is a top 1000 finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest. Jenny Martin reports that Rosemary Clement-Moore is doing better. She became ill at the conference and had to be rushed to a hospital. Get better soon, Rosemary.
Finally, Jason Myers read a letter from agent Louise Fury praising the Workshop for a well-run conference. She stated the publishing community in New York was still abuzz about the energy surrounding the event, and how well the agents and editors were treated by the friendly folks at DFWWW.
Now, that's praise all Workshop members should be honored to accept.
Social Media Update for DFW Writers' Workshop
It's Kate here. You're 2nd Vice President and Social Media Manager. They gave me a password to this blog thing (hehe), so I'm using it.
Was anyone as excited about the great social media stuff that surrounded our conference as I was? There was so much buzz! The biggest bump we received was during the first Gong Show. New topics exploded that helped draw attention from the writing community to our little conference. Two big winners were #portalshappen and #TeamFury. "Portals happen" referred to stories that depend too heavily on a character being sucked through a portal as a plot point. Team Fury referred to the "Simon Cowell" of the Gong Show, Louise Fury. You were all thinking it. She's the one who said it.
Almost everyone used the #dfwcon modifier when talking about presenters and classes. Some preferred to actually mention the conference (@DFWCon) directly in the post to promote an open dialogue.

User participation in social media is what makes it so unique. You're only going to tweet whether you're having a great time or a terrible time. Our great times outnumbered the terrible because our conference was amazing (not that I'm drawing from my own experience or anything).
From a social media standpoint, that is a great success. Our attendees are connected, our workshoppers are connected, and I think I read through Twitter that Weronika Janczuk is having lunch with Amy Boggs some time next week (stalking accomplished).
Let's try to use some of that momentum for the workshop and future conferences.
Gushing finished. Now, to business.
If you or anyone you know took pictures at the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference, please send them to me
Kate Cornell
with the subject line "Conference Pictures" or some such nonsense that doesn't make me delete it immediately.
Boxes Needed to Pack over 20 Years of Books, Awards & Memories
Maybe it was the Pitch Your Book class, taught by Rosemary Clement-Moore, that brought in the people. Rosemary did an excellent job of helping everyone prepare for this weekend's DFW Writers' Conference.
Speaking of the conference, Stephen Manning thanked all the members who have volunteered to help. Co-chairs Jeff Posey and Jason Myers thanked the conference executive committee. And Michelle O'neal paid a surprise visit (she's doing well).
President Donna Lasko reminded everyone about the upcoming move to a new building. The date to pack has changed, because of a scheduling conflict with the City. Now, we are packing on Sunday, March 13 starting at 9 a.m. until the job is done. Pizza will be served for lunch.
Finally, we need all DFWWW members to visit area stores to ask for free boxes. Bring those next week so we can prepare early for our big move. We also need newspapers for packing materials. There are over 20 years of books, awards and memories that have to be moved.
DFWWW is Moving to a New Location
In the surprise news of the night, President Donna Lasko announced the City of Euless has asked the Workshop to move. The City plans to turn the Ruth Millican Center into a museum. DFWWW will relocate in March to the Simmons Building, also in Euless. Members are needed on Saturday, March 12, to help pack over 20 years of books, awards, and other items.
In less surprising - but equally important - news, Kenneth Ingle signed a contract with Books in Motion for two, new audio books. Rosemary Clement-Moore displayed the advanced reader copy of her newest work Texas Gothic. Kendall Furlong took home a prize in the Tale Hook writing contest. Conference chairperson Jeff Posey announced that registration for the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference ends next Thursday, February 24. Stephen Manning advised room monitors are needed to keep the classes running well. Workshop members are reminded that they must volunteer for a few hours during the conference as part of receiving a discount on the registration fee.
Finally, A. Lee Martinez received a letter from a young fan who credited Martinez' work with encouraging his brother to read more. Now that's one reason why all of us are in the crazy business of publishing - to touch the lives of others.
Book Releases and Poetry Honors Top the News
In the news, Candace Havens announced two upcoming releases from Harlequin: She Who Dares, Wins due out March 22, and Truth and Dare on May 1. Dale Cain will be a featured poet at the next Austin Poetry Festival. Kate Cornell once again encouraged everyone to follow DFWWW on Twitter and Facebook. Larry Enmon advised that all positions for agent/editor assistants have been filled, but backup wranglers are needed.
Finally, the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference is fast approaching. February 26 - 27 will be here soon, and everyone who hasn't already done so is encouraged to register.
Election Results, a Book Release & Social Networking Start the New Year
It was a change of the guard at the January 5 meeting of the Workshop (well, almost, two members of the former Board ran for re-election) as a new Board of Directors was seated. They are:
Donna Lasko, President
Carolyn Williamson, 1st Vice President
Kate Cornell, 2nd Vice President
Paul Lamarre, Treasurer
Kyle White, Secretary
Ron Soule, Director
David Whiteman, Director
Former President Stephen Manning presented outgoing President Russell Connor with a plaque to commemorate his two years of service. Russell gave gift cards to the 2010 Board in recognition of their service; and to Harry Hall for opening the building each week, Eric Dixon for consistently volunteering to monitor a read-and-critique session, and to Chris Moore for serving on the 2009 Board.
In other news, Kate Cornell advised that she now handles the social networking for DFWWW. People can stay current about Workshop events on Twitter, or our Facebook fan page. Rosemary Clement Moore announced the release of her Young Adult novel The Splendor Falls on January 11 in paperback. Larry Enmon cautioned that only five spots remain for agent assistant volunteers. Interested members should see him to sign up now. Jeff Posey warned that the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference is fast approaching and people should register today before it's too late. Finally, please keep member Michelle O'neal in your thoughts as she fights a life threatening medical condition.
Birthdays, Movie Options & Overdue Library Books
In the news, A. Lee Martinez received payment for the movie option of his recent novel Divine Misfortune. Rosemary Clement-Moore displayed the paperback edition of her Young Adult book, The Splendor Falls, with its stylish new cover. Her copies arrived during a special time (happy birthday, Rosemary), and the book is scheduled to be in bookstores on January 11.
In other news, Jeri Burbage reminded everyone the election for the 2011 Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, January 5. To be eligible to vote, members must have paid their 2010-2011 fiscal year dues and have attended at least three of the five business meetings prior to the election. Carolyn Williamson again advised that overdue library books need to be returned before year's end. Larry Enmon issued a second call for volunteers to assist the agents and editors during the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference.
Wedding Bells Top the News
In the biggest news of the night, outgoing President Russell Connor announced his engagement to Abbie Faroukhtakin. Their wedding date will be announced later.
In less exciting news, Carolyn Williamson reminded everyone to return any outstanding library books before the year's end. On the conference front, chairperson Jeff Posey advised that volunteers are needed for the upcoming 2011 DFW Writers' Conference. If members are interested in being an agent assistant, they should speak to Larry Enmon. To help with the registration desk see Stephen Manning. He says a large number of volunteers will be needed.
Finally, Secretary Kyle White reminded everyone about the recent change in the Workshop's fiscal year, and that any member who hasn't already done so needs to renew their 2010 - 2011 fiscal year dues before December 31. After that, members who do not renew will not be allowed to participate in the weekly read-and-critique sessions until their dues are paid.
Holiday Party Set for December 15
In the official news, election coordinator Jeri Burbage presented the list of candidates for the 2011 Board of Directors. Nominations are now closed. Historian Stephen Manning displayed two new additions for the Trophy Room.
In other news, President Russell Connor announced the holiday party will be held on December 15. Members are invited to bring yummy dishes to share. Conference chairperson Jeff Posey described a few of the many volunteer positions needed for the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference. A meeting will be held on December 15 prior to the regular meeting to discuss the many opportunities available.