Strange Afterlives Anthology is Now Available on Amazon!
Not every monster started as human.In this anthology of eleven original tales - ten by DFW Writers' Workshop members - the undead are never quite expected. From sinister feline mummies to ravenous zombified cars and any and all things in-between, the living dead have returned from their graves, junkyards, and even the war torn skies to haunt the lands of the living. With stories horrific, funny, and weird, Strange Afterlives has a little something for everyone who has ever wondered what terrible secrets could be lurking in that rotting tree or broken toy.
Edited by former DFWWW board member and "a pretty cool guy (according to his mother)", A. Lee Martinez, STRANGE AFTERLIVES is available on Amazon for $0.99.
Buy it now see firsthand why you should join the workshop, if you haven't already.
Stories included in this anthology:
Mouse Trouble by A. Lee Martinez
After the Invasion by Russell C. Connor
Seated Woman with Child by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Roots by Brooke Fossey
The Late Mrs. Buttons by Sally Hamilton
An Undercover Haunting by Kristi Hutson
GImme Shelter by David C. Whiteman
01001110 by Nik Holman
The Runner by John Bartell
Night Witch by Shawn Scarber
The Scavenger Hunt by John Sanders Jr.
STRANGE AFTERLIVES will terrify and amuse. You may never look at a rusted automobile the same way again.
And be sure to join us any Wednesday night at 7:00 pm at The Simmons Center in Euless to see how DFWWW authors keep producing wonderful stories like the ones in this anthology.
Announcements 9/7
Larry Enmon was asked to speak at the Dallas Romance Writers Conference. He will be sharing his expertise on weapons.
A.Lee Martinez presented the French version of Gil’s All Fright Diner. He also received the Advanced Readers copy of this upcoming book, Emperor Mollusk Vs. the Sinister Brain.
Del Cain has a book signing this Saturday, Sept 10th in Fort Worth at the Barnes & Noble on University Dr from 1:00 to 3:00. He will be signing copies of his two non-fiction books, Lawmen of the Old West: The Good Guys and Lawmen of the Old West: The Bad Guys.
Harry Hall has a book signing Sept 17th in Irving at Crystals Pizza from 3:30 to 5:30. He will be signing copies of his book Help! People are Staring at Me.
Russell Connor confirmed the 2nd episode of Workshop is now available at . Not only does it star Russell and Nik Holman as a couple of scumbag writers, David Whiteman and Alex Martinez also make special appearances. Check it out!
Candace Havens is teaching two (highly recommended) online courses. Fast Draft & Revision Hell starts Sept 25th and her Six-week Comprehensive class begins on Sept 15th. For more details, check out
Carolyn Williamson announced we now have the 2012 Writers Market books. You may check them out for one week.
Announcements June 15
The pilot episode of Workshop is available on YouTube. Laugh, cry, stay tuned for the next episode...Part 1 and Part 2. Workshop was created by Nik Holman and Russell Connor.
Ken Ingle's First Contact has generated some film interest, and he has found a screenwriter for the project.
Rosemary Clement-Moore has a book signing for Texas Gothic on July 16th at the Barnes and Noble in Arlington from 1-3pm.
The DFW Teen Writers' Workshop started on June 18th and will be held on Saturday from 1-3pm until July 30 (no session on July 2). If you are interested in volunteering as a monitor or critiquer, all help is welcome. Also, don't forget to spread the word. More attendees are always welcome. Email us here for registration, questions, or interest.
More information is available here.
A Light Crowd Hears Lots of News
In the news, Nik Holman received a partial request for his novel The Boy Who Wasn't There from agent Brandi Bowles. Del Cain had two poems accepted by Cross Timbers magazine. A. Lee Martinez announced Gil's All-Fight Diner and In the Company of Ogres will be released as a combined book by his German publisher. In addition, Martinez has a book signing for his newest release, Divine Misfortune, this Saturday, July 31 at 10 a.m. at the Borders bookstore in Arlington.
In official news, treasurer Jeri Burbage displayed a new form that members need to complete to receive reimbursements when purchasing items for the Workshop. Secretary Kyle White advised this blog and regular meetings are now the source for all member news, including inclement weather closings (but we all know DFWWW never closes - not matter the weather). Finally, President Russell Connor stated a party will be held on October 27th to celebrate the recent milestone of 300 traditionally published books written by Workshop members. It's sure to be a big event.
Election for 2009 board takes place Jan. 7
This year's slate of candidates is:
President: Russell Connor
1st Vice President: A. Lee Martinez
2nd Vice President: Carolyn Williamson
Secretary: Nik Holman
Treasurer: Fred Campos
Director: Kristen Lamb
Director: Chris Lee Moore
Thanks to these members for stepping up to lead the organization through another great year!