A Conference by Any Other Name...

SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators) is hosting its regional conference here in the Dallas Metroplex. If you write YA, middle grade, or children’s books, look no further than Arlington (first they get the Cowboys stadium, now this…) to get some top tier education.
What: SCBWI North Texas 2013 Regional Conference
When: September 21, 2013
Cost: Early Registration (by Aug. 24) $165 for nonmembers
The day is full of breakout sessions and great classes. There’s even a cocktail reception in the evening which will allow you to rub shoulders with YA author Jill Alexander, Delacort Press executive editor Krista Marion, children’s book author Lin Oliver, and a Nancy Gallt Literary Agent, Marietta Zacker. Enjoy.