Election Results, a Book Release & Social Networking Start the New Year
It was a change of the guard at the January 5 meeting of the Workshop (well, almost, two members of the former Board ran for re-election) as a new Board of Directors was seated. They are:
Donna Lasko, President
Carolyn Williamson, 1st Vice President
Kate Cornell, 2nd Vice President
Paul Lamarre, Treasurer
Kyle White, Secretary
Ron Soule, Director
David Whiteman, Director
Former President Stephen Manning presented outgoing President Russell Connor with a plaque to commemorate his two years of service. Russell gave gift cards to the 2010 Board in recognition of their service; and to Harry Hall for opening the building each week, Eric Dixon for consistently volunteering to monitor a read-and-critique session, and to Chris Moore for serving on the 2009 Board.
In other news, Kate Cornell advised that she now handles the social networking for DFWWW. People can stay current about Workshop events on Twitter, or our Facebook fan page. Rosemary Clement Moore announced the release of her Young Adult novel The Splendor Falls on January 11 in paperback. Larry Enmon cautioned that only five spots remain for agent assistant volunteers. Interested members should see him to sign up now. Jeff Posey warned that the 2011 DFW Writers' Conference is fast approaching and people should register today before it's too late. Finally, please keep member Michelle O'neal in your thoughts as she fights a life threatening medical condition.