Announcements 9/14
Shawn Scarber‘s short story Skin Trade will be appearing in the new anthology Short and Twisted: Nothing is What is Seems. Its and e-book and will soon be available on Stay tuned for release information as it becomes available.
Harry Hall has a book signing Saturday Sept 17th in Irving at Crystals Pizza from 3:30 to 5:30. He will be signing copies of his book Help! People are Staring at Me.
Kyle White announced Trinity Writers' Workshop is having a one-day seminar, featuring Chuck Sambuchino (editor with Writers Digest.) It will be held on Saturday, Nov 5th from 9am to 6:30pm at the Hampton Inn in Hurst. The cost is $100 ($50 for members of TWW). Check here for more details.
Dues are due on October 1st. Don't forget! Remember, no reading, critiquing, or monitoring if you haven't paid up.
By the by, you can register for DFWCon. Keynote speaker is James Rollins. The conference will be held May 19 & 20 of 2012.
Harry Hall has a book signing Saturday Sept 17th in Irving at Crystals Pizza from 3:30 to 5:30. He will be signing copies of his book Help! People are Staring at Me.
Kyle White announced Trinity Writers' Workshop is having a one-day seminar, featuring Chuck Sambuchino (editor with Writers Digest.) It will be held on Saturday, Nov 5th from 9am to 6:30pm at the Hampton Inn in Hurst. The cost is $100 ($50 for members of TWW). Check here for more details.
Dues are due on October 1st. Don't forget! Remember, no reading, critiquing, or monitoring if you haven't paid up.
By the by, you can register for DFWCon. Keynote speaker is James Rollins. The conference will be held May 19 & 20 of 2012.
Announcements 9/7
Anyone interested in running the 2012 board election, please contact Donna.
Larry Enmon was asked to speak at the Dallas Romance Writers Conference. He will be sharing his expertise on weapons.
A.Lee Martinez presented the French version of Gil’s All Fright Diner. He also received the Advanced Readers copy of this upcoming book, Emperor Mollusk Vs. the Sinister Brain.
Del Cain has a book signing this Saturday, Sept 10th in Fort Worth at the Barnes & Noble on University Dr from 1:00 to 3:00. He will be signing copies of his two non-fiction books, Lawmen of the Old West: The Good Guys and Lawmen of the Old West: The Bad Guys.
Harry Hall has a book signing Sept 17th in Irving at Crystals Pizza from 3:30 to 5:30. He will be signing copies of his book Help! People are Staring at Me.
Russell Connor confirmed the 2nd episode of Workshop is now available at . Not only does it star Russell and Nik Holman as a couple of scumbag writers, David Whiteman and Alex Martinez also make special appearances. Check it out!
Candace Havens is teaching two (highly recommended) online courses. Fast Draft & Revision Hell starts Sept 25th and her Six-week Comprehensive class begins on Sept 15th. For more details, check out
Carolyn Williamson announced we now have the 2012 Writers Market books. You may check them out for one week.
Larry Enmon was asked to speak at the Dallas Romance Writers Conference. He will be sharing his expertise on weapons.
A.Lee Martinez presented the French version of Gil’s All Fright Diner. He also received the Advanced Readers copy of this upcoming book, Emperor Mollusk Vs. the Sinister Brain.
Del Cain has a book signing this Saturday, Sept 10th in Fort Worth at the Barnes & Noble on University Dr from 1:00 to 3:00. He will be signing copies of his two non-fiction books, Lawmen of the Old West: The Good Guys and Lawmen of the Old West: The Bad Guys.
Harry Hall has a book signing Sept 17th in Irving at Crystals Pizza from 3:30 to 5:30. He will be signing copies of his book Help! People are Staring at Me.
Russell Connor confirmed the 2nd episode of Workshop is now available at . Not only does it star Russell and Nik Holman as a couple of scumbag writers, David Whiteman and Alex Martinez also make special appearances. Check it out!
Candace Havens is teaching two (highly recommended) online courses. Fast Draft & Revision Hell starts Sept 25th and her Six-week Comprehensive class begins on Sept 15th. For more details, check out
Carolyn Williamson announced we now have the 2012 Writers Market books. You may check them out for one week.