Announcements: 10/12
Del Cain is speaking at the Saginaw Public Library on Nov 3rd at 6:30 pm.
Candace Havens has two books coming out:
Model Marine comes out Nov 1st
Her story in the Spirited Anthology is coming out soon. Proceeds go to a literacy charity
George Goldthwaite heard from Books in Motion. Recording has begun on his newest audio book.
Susan Clark has volunteered to Chair the Building Search Committee. If you hear of any vacancies in the HEB area, email info to [email protected]
Halloween Read is October 26th – bring a dish; come in costume!
Reminder: Dues for 2012 are due by Oct 31st. $100 a year and it’s very simple to renew and pay online.
A Busy News Night Full of Contest Finalists, Westerns & Dead Robots
In a busy news night, A. Lee Martinez was interviewed by The Dead Robot Society Podcast about his series of fantasy novels. Richard Young's book-length manuscript, American Health Scare, is a top 20 finalist in a contest sponsored by The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference. Harry Hall's short non-fiction narrative, "Michael Hylands Marathon Victory over Cystic Fibrosis" is also a finalist in the same contest, but in a different category. Books in Motion purchased George Goldwaithe's newest novel, Bugles and Bagpipes. Also, George attended the Western Writers' of America Convention where three different agents requested manuscript submissions. Rosemary Clement-Moore stated that the hardcover edition of her newest book, The Splendor Falls, has gone into its second printing. Additionally, Rosemary will speak on Thursday, July 8 at 2 p.m. at the Haslet Public Library.
Finally, Russell Conner reminded members that next week, Wednesday, July 7, is the final vote on the proposed amendments to the Workshop Bylaws.
Member, Harry Robbins, Announces the Sale of His First Novel
Full stomachs only enhanced the news from Workshop members. Harry Robbins announced the sale of his first novel, a fantasy titled The Bard Prince, to Books in Motion. Jenny Martin received three requests from literary agents for the full manuscript of her Young Adult novel Holy, Texas. Kyle White sold a short story to AlienSkin magazine. Books in Motion bought George Goldthwaite's second Western, Return of Sam Rache. Tricia Allen will speak at the Polk-Wisdom Public Library in Dallas on December 19 at 2:30 p.m. Her topic is using 'new history' in fiction.
Finally, everyone was reminded that the early-bird registration fee of $185 for the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference ends on January 31, 2010. Thereafter, the price increases to $235. Agent appointments are still available, but are filling fast.
The Weather Might Be Frightful, But The Reads Were Delightful
Perry Curtis Bales announced that publisher Books in Motion requested the full manuscript of his Western novel Gunfighter's Star. Rosemary Clement-Moore submitted her newest novel, tentatively titled Texas Gothic, to her publisher Delacorte. Michelle O'Neal broke into the national magazine market when her article "Testing, Testing: Understanding Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing" appeared in the winter issue of MADDvocate.
Attendees were reminded that 2010 membership dues must be paid in order to vote in the Board of Directors election in January, or to participate in read and critique sessions next year. Two reference books aimed toward writers of children's and Young Adult literature were added to the Workshop's extensive library and are available to be loaned.
Finally, in conference news, it was announced that retailer Books-A-Million has agreed to run the official bookstore at the 2010 DFW Writers' Conference. As an added bonus, all registered conference attendees will receive a 20% discount on purchases of any Books-A-Million merchandise present at the conference center.
Member George Goldthwaite Releases His First Audio Book
In other news, George Goldthwaite announced the release of his Western novel From Youth to Vengeance by Books in Motion. The work is available on CD's, cassettes, and as a download to various media. Rosemary Clement Moore, along with seven other writers, will speak at the Mansfield Library on November 6 from 7 - 9 p.m. Carmen Goldthwaite stated her essay "Burgers n' Butterflies" was accepted by Chicken Soup for the Soul Thank You Mom to be released next year.
Would you like to make some extra money? Then sign up to be an affiliate of the DFW Writers' Conference and make $10 for each person you refer who registers. This program is open to anyone, not just Workshop members. For the guidelines, visit the affiliate program page.
Workshop Members Announce Book Contracts, Signings & Reviews
Exciting things are happens to members of the DFW Writers' Workshop as evidenced by these announcements during the July 8th meeting:
George Goldthwaite was offered a contract by Books In Motion, an audio book publisher, for his western novel, From Youth to Vengeance. It is tentatively scheduled for a December release. New member, Jenny Martin, received a request for the full manuscript of her novel, Holy, Texas, by literary agent Nadia Cornier with Firebrand. Del Cain had a poem published in the Texas Poetry Calendar 2010. A. Lee Martinez received a great review in Locus: The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy for his recently released novel, Monster. Candace Havens newest work, Dragons Prefer Blondes, was released this week. She will sign copies at the Barnes & Noble in Hurst this Saturday, July 11 from 2 p.m - 4 p.m. She is also hosting a blog tour, with more information at
All proof that DFW Writers' Workshop members continue to publish a wide variety of works, despite the economic downturn.