Thunder Road

Thunder Road is my debut novel set along Fort Worth's notorious Jacksboro Highway in the summer of 1947. This book wouldn't exist were it not for the painful Read and Critique sessions through the Workshop. 

It's available in hardcover, large print paperback and audiobook. The paperback is slated for release in Q2 2023 from CamCat Books.




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Colin Holmes

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  • donated 2023-09-21 17:24:46 -0500




    Membership is open to anyone 18 and older who desires to promote the art and craft of writing. There are no limitations on membership. Writers with any experience level — from multi-published to just starting out — are welcome to join! Member advantages include:


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  • donated 2022-04-19 05:09:11 -0500




    Membership is open to anyone 18 and older who desires to promote the art and craft of writing. There are no limitations on membership. Writers with any experience level — from multi-published to just starting out — are welcome to join! Subscriber advantages include:


     *Only available to yearly members or year-long subscribers


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